Chapter 5.Explanations.

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Rob slowly slid out of the water, his body tingling with a new sense of repair.He sat on the cold tile floor in his soaking underwear, and sighed.

For now, they were all safe.

Being kidnapped and waking up in a cold stone cell with your best friends was traumatising, and the memories of being told that they only had five hours to prepare themselves emotionally made it even worse.And of course, the battle just added to the mix.

So now he felt like he could breathe for once, as he let the warmth of the water sooth his feet.


His eyes snapped open, and he looked over to the magic cat-Luscious- and smiled slightly.


"Greetings Robert.I have your clothes for you."

Rob looked up and saw that his clothes were bright, clean and mended again, all folded neatly in a floating pile with his black canvas shoes perched on top.He smiled fully, and carefully stood up, walking over to the cat and gently resting his hands under the pile, feeling them gain weight.

"Thank you Luscious!"

"Luci is fine.You're quite welcome by the way, now if you could follow me to the changing room then you can get dry."

And with that, with a sparkle in his eyes, he lead Rob back down the wooden corridor, into a new doorway, which Rob swore he hadn't seen on his way there.The room was empty, with a lush red carpet and stone walls, with chests lining the back wall and a table and chair in the corner.The room was lit with a single glowstone lamp in the ceiling.

"Thank you Lu-"

Rob turned around to thank his new furry friend, and discovered that he had left the room.Puzzled, he lifted a hand up to scratch his head, and quickly drew it back to his surprise, when he discovered his completely dry and curly hair.He realised that the rest of his body, (as well as his underwear) were all dry as well.He shrugged, and quickly started changing.

----5 minuets later----

Rob had just finished tying his shoelace, when he heard the door open.When turning around, he discovered his creeper friend grinning at him.

"Hey Robbie! How you doing?"

He entered the room, joining his now blue hooded Canadian, and engulfing him in a warm hug.Rob buried his nose into the silk jacket his best friend was currently sporting, and sighed, feeling safe in his arms.Preston finally pulled away, and slid his hand into Rob's, before grinning wildly.

"Come on! The nice witch is serving soup for us, i wouldn't want us to miss it!"

Rob grinned, and let Preston drag him out of the small closet and into the main room, where everyone else was stood up around the comforting fire place in the centre of the room.They all looked up, and smiled as they saw the two approaching.

"Hi Rob-a-dob-flob! You feeling better?"

Jerome grinned, next to Mitch who waved happily.

"Yeah thanks buddy i feel a lot better!"

I looked up at Lachlan, who rested a warm hand on my shoulder supportively, before looking down at Vikk, who had wrapped his skinny tanned arms around my torso.I hugged the small man back, wrapping one arm around his shoulder, whilst the other rested on his mess of pure black hair.He looked up at me, grinning like an idiot.

A small, adorable, innocent idiot.

"You okay there buddy?"

I asked him, and he purely nodded before shrinking back to Lachlan's side.

Those two besties are cute together.

"Alrighty then.Oh! Hello Robert, are you feeling any better?"

The witch emerged from the corner of the room, with six bowls of mushroom soup floating about her head.

"Yes thank you ma'am.I am very grateful for the hospitality and kindness for me and the rest of my friends."

Everyone around me, grinned.

"Oh now there's no need for that.You are very welcome.However, there was actually something very important i needed to talk to you all about.So, please sit down and we can talk while you eat."

The bowls floated over to a small wooden table with seven chairs, and everyone made their way over to it, sitting down comfortably.

"Now.First of all, let me FINALLY introduce myself.My name is Belladonna, and i am the good witch of Babylon .I am 670 years old, and i live here, in my magic witch hut, with my dearest kitty companion Luscious, which i know you have all been introduced to.Now, early yesterday morning, i had an overwhelming sense of danger.This, i have unfortunately sensed before. Im sure you are all familiar with the urban legend of Herobrine, no?"

Everyone hummed in affirmation.

"Well...he is real. Sad to say, i have met him several times in the past, confirming us as arch nemesis'.He wants to rule this dimension, just as well as yours, however he needs a very special power in order to do so."

"Wait...what do you mean This dimension and OUR dimension?"

Mitch asked, putting his empty bowl and spoon down.

"Oh, i forgot to mention, i transported you to my home dimension of Babylon ."

Bella grinned cheekily at the boy's expressions before continuing.

"The powers he requires to begin the take over of the two dimensions is the power of the elements.That is Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and two unknown and very special elements of Electricity and Ice.The only way of gaining these powers, is to prove yourself worthy and loyal, as well as being incredibly brave and skilled.However, the powers need a host in order to be accessible.Now with a human, or Lava mob or Bacca,"

She looked at Preston and Jerome.

"...You will only be able to access one power each.However, Herobrine will be able to access all of them with great difficulty, because of his...inhumanity.Now i am asking a great deal from you six...but im begging you to please become the hosts.I know how large of a question and responsibility this is, but there is a great risk of invasion and world domination if he is successful."

She gave everyone a minuet to digest this, stroking Luci's ears patiently.

"Im in."

Vikk said suddenly.

Everyone stared at him.

"I want to save the world.I want to protect my friends and family.I don't want to risk being put under domination or worse, and i want to grow up.And so what if my life is possibly ruined by this? Plus, how cool will it be to have the powers of the elements?!"

He paused, eyeing the others carefully as they each came to a decision.

"Im in."

Declared Mitch.

"Me too!"

Agreed Jerome, determination present in his black eyes.

"Were in."

Preston said, looking at Lachlan, who was grinning at the idea."

Everyone looked to Rob, who didn't even hesitate.

"Im in too.Whatever it takes.We were obviously chosen for a reason, and were all good people who enjoy helping others.Plus, I don't mind a little PVP." 

He grinned, as did everyone else, as Bella's anxiety was released.

"Wonderful.We don't have much time."

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