Chapter 6. The first elemental

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Luscious sprinted and leapt up onto the table, as Bella thrust her hands in the air, muttering something under her breath, as the room slowly started to melt away and change.
The boys looked around, slightly alarmed but very curious, as the walls changed to a darker brown wood, and the wooden floors softened to a deep purple carpet.The room was now dark, the only door being the front door, with no windows and all the kitchen and general furniture had vanished.

Bella stood up and clapped her hands as Luscious suddenly leapt from the table, which disappeared from under the seated six.They fell to the floor, with everyone but Vikk yelping in surprise (Vikk was the silent type when he was scared).Bella chuckled, and now a tall iron cauldron replaced the table and chairs.

"Gather round..."

Bella beckoned, and everyone did so, peering into a pure white liquid that reached the top. Vikk stood on his tiptoes, before Bella noticed and materialised a step so he could see.
Lachlan, who stood next to him, giggled teasingly at his shorter friend, who purely rolled his eyes.

"Now...there is something i have to go through with you all before i teleport you to the farland temple...and it involves my cat."

Luscious, who was sitting on her shoulder, sighed, before suddenly jumping into the white liquid, disappearing completely with a loud 'plop'.
Everyone gasped in shock, when a white gem suddenly emerged.Bella took it, sighing, and clicked her fingers as the cauldron disappeared.As well as Vikk's stool, which would have made him fall if Lachlan wasn't standing there.

"WAIT, where is Luscious?"

Jerome cried, staring at Bella for an explanation.

"He is with his brothers and sisters now...but i will save that story for another time.Now, i need you to line up."

Upset that Luscious was gone on such short notice and unaware of his whereabouts, everyone stood in a line.Bella slowly looked each of them up and down, taking in their height and size, humming every now and then.She finally stood in front of them five minuets later, before locking eyes with Jerome.

"Please step forward, Mr. Aceti."

Jerome wasn't even going to bother questioning the old woman about his sir name, but stepped forward anyway, eyes not leaving Bella's.

"Hold out your hand."

Jerome did so.

Bella gently put the stone in Jerome's hand, and his fingers closed around it.She then hovered one hand above and below his, muttering something incoherent under her breath.

Jerome spun his head around,looking at the others who were staring at them, confused and slightly alarmed at the odd behaviour before Bella's hands clasping firmly onto his made him jump, and turn back. 
He felt his hands get suddenly cold and...windy? he swore he could feel a breeze from the stone he was holding, and he wanted to open his hands, but Bella had a stone grip on him as her muttering died down, and the wind picked up.It blew around the room, everyone's hair whipping their faces.Jerome could feel cold running through his veins, up his arm, through his shoulders, and into his heart as the wind seemed to peak it's strongest.Everyone behind him was bent down low to the floor, clutching at each other for support from the wind storm.It was at that point, Jerome noticed the change.He felt so...light all of a sudden.Even the wind around him felt nicer, rather than its harsh reality.He closed his eyes, smiling when the air around him felt suddenly clean and fresh, but when he opened his eyes...he gasped.

The wind stopped dead, Bella finally releasing him and throwing her hands back, watching him carefully.

The carpet was...purple? Like a proper purple and not the off, slightly pinkie colour he was used to.

"Have you..."

A large grin began to creep onto his lips.Bella seemed to understand him completely, and the grin only widened.



Jerome spun around and grabbed his best friend by the arms, pulling him into a hug and twirling them around.

"Bella cured my colour blindness!"

Mitch grinned, before a cough made them both look over. Lachlan was the one who coughed, but he was now...shorter? Normally Lachlan was taller than all of why was he...

Jerome suddenly gasped, before letting his grip on Mitch loosen.His friend fell from his arms, but he managed to grab him again before he fell completely onto the floor.Lowering them both from his currently hovering state, he finally released his friend onto solid ground.

"Jerome Aceti, i have gifted you with the element; Air.How do you feel?"

Jerome clenched his fist, before opening his palm and watching a tiny tornado spin delicately on his outstretched hand.


Bella chuckled, before turning to the others.

"Now, you must go.I feel like we may have already been wasting too much time.As soon as you all have an element, i will come and tell you what to do next.Good luck."

She clapped her hands, and the room spun uncontrollably, before merging into a glass floor, and dark atmosphere.

Looking up, the temple beamed at them, and its almost as if Jerome could hear it whispering to him.

"The time is now...come closer..."

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