Chapter 9. Weapons.

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Everyone was now sat around Bella's wooden table, watching closely as she inspected Vikk. Vikk was sat very still, locked in a trance made by Bella, to make it easier for her to check him.

"So...what happened? is he going to be okay?"

Asked Rob, breaking the icy silence.

"Its very unfortunate that this happened. At least he didn't get all of the powers, or even all of Vikk's here, but because the power split between the two of them...who knows what could happen."

She sighed, gently raising a hand in front of his face, having finished examining him.

"I just hope that he isn't immediately at risk..."

She snapped her fingers, and Vikk 'woke up' like he had been completely asleep the whole time.

"huh? oh, hi guys!"

He seemed to remember where he was, before his smile faded into a look of dismay.

" i okay?"

"For now, yes. But we need to find a way to possibly get you the remainder of your powers, or better yet put Herobrine out of commission."

"He had another guy with him. A wimpy, tall and...actually kinda jumpy dude all dressed in tattered grey robes. He was creepy, yes. Intimidating? not at all."

Jerome said, crossing his arms from where he sat at the table, next to Mitch and Preston.

Bella raised an eyebrow, before deciding to shake it off. She then stood with a smile, and waved her wrinkly hands at a gap on the wooden wall.

"Well, the least we can do is get you trained. And i think i already have a plan to get those powers back. Follow me everyone!"

A door appeared where she waved her hands, and the others stood up to follow her. The next room was white and pure with six weapons displayed neatly on the wall, as well as a bag hung up by each one.


She said, walking over to the far right of the wall. Rob stepped forward, and waited patiently with his arms crossed. The others stood in a line about a meter behind him.

"You, Robert, are the earth elemental. You can control the dirt, the flowers and you also have the ability to communicate with animals hostile and passive alike. You are also, with great training and patience, capable of combining your powers and another's together, to perform a special attack, or even to create."

She plucked a foot long, chunky iron rod off the wall, and handed it to him. Rob, unsure what to do with it, held it at arms length in front of him. 

"This is a bow. it will only open to your command once I enchant it with a special spell. All of your's do that, by the way."

She said to the others, absent mindedly tracing a bony finger down the side of the rod, when it sparkled a bluey-green colour, and settled. Rob looked at it for a second, before giving Bella a hopeless look. She merely chuckled.

"Squeeze the middle, make sure your not in the way of either end."

Rob did as he was told, giving the rod a wary look, before it suddenly jumped in his hand, making him squeak as he nearly dropped it. Once having a firm grasp back on it, he lifted it up curiously to inspect it. The bow was long and when vertical was almost as tall as Vikk. It wasn't as heavy as Rob thought it was going to be, and each end was beautifully carved with floral patterns in the white metal. The string twanged out from where it curved in, snapping into place. Rob smiled, giving the elastic wire a hefty tug. He was very good with a regular wooden bow, and he felt blessed to be holding such a magnificent weapon in his pale hands. 

With powers combined-The Pack FFWhere stories live. Discover now