Chapter 12 - Today Is The Day

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I woke up early in the morning filled with excitement and energy, and that is probably the first time in the history of Amal's life that this ever happened. The thing is today is not an ordinary day its finally Saturday, and it is the day my very first best friend is finally getting married. I was running around my room throwing things on my bed looking for something nice to wear on this very special occasion, until, I found one dress that caught my eye.

 As soon as I got dressed I put on very light makeup that barely showed, and then studied myself in front of the mirror making sure I looked okay. I was dressed into a diaphanous blue night chiffon dress that I felt went perfectly with my eyes and skin. The dress's skirt had very delicate designs with different colors that blended together on the skirt it went from royal blue to aqua blue and the hem had a little purple. The top of the dress had two different colors mashed together, royal blue and navy blue with a little bit of faded designs. When I first saw this dress on an online store I knew I just had to buy it, and I even got the hijab that matched the dress and in my opinion the scarf made the dress look more flawless. Of course the best thing about this dress is that its modest and Islamic-ally appropriate. That's what matters. 

After I was satisfied with what I saw I went down stairs, ate breakfast and when I was about to leave I saw my uncle sitting on the coach reading something, 'Huh, that's weird why isn't he at work?'

"Good morning, Uncle," I greeted cheerfully. "Why aren't you at work today?"

" Good morning, Amal," replied my uncle. "And to answer your question I decided to take off from work today. I mean it would be rude to be invited and not attend your friend Ella's Nikah. Did I say that right?" Did he just wink? Nah, I am just hallucinating.  

"Right, and speaking of Ella I am going to her house right now and help  with sitting up the place. So, I am guessing I will see you their in a few hours?" 

"Yes my child. What a kind soul you have to help out. Most girls would be afraid to ruin such a beautiful dress." Oh my, who knew my Uncle could give out beautiful complements.

"Thank you," I went up to my uncle and hugged him. I told him goodbye and left out the door quickly so I won't miss the bus. 

When I finally made it to their house. I felt like I had entered a fairy tale book. Everything looked so beautiful and different. The outside of the house was decorated with red and white roses, white streamers and ribbons were wrapped around the stair railing that led to the main house door, and at either side were big vases that were filled with boutiques of many different types of flowers. Also, Maher Zain (Muslim singer who sings Islamic songs) music was blasting out from the big speakers that was placed at either side of the house. I think that the wedding reception would take place in the yard around the house since there was a lot of tables and chairs for were all the guests will eat dinner, deserts and all that other good stuff. 

Just as I entered the house I felt my breath catch in my throat. The inside of the house was breath taking. The chandelier in the middle of the room was lit up for the first time (or its the first time I ever saw it lit up), all the furniture that was inside the house was moved and replace instead with decorated chairs and a long table was all the way at the end of the room. The whole entire room smelled like flowers. The stair case from were I was guessing the bride would come down from was filled with different colored flowers and beige ribbons. It looked like the stairs outside except this one looked more gorgeous. There was also a lot of people running back and forth organizing things and adding things here and their, but so far everything looked brilliant. 

I went to the kitchen knowing that that's were Ella's mom would be. Since she is the one that will be making the dinner for all the hungry guests that will be coming today to attend her daughter's big day. Just as I predicted Ella's mother was standing in the middle of the huge kitchen looking stressed out, her hijab was a mess and her apron was dirty from all the oil and dressings from the food. I felt bad that she had to wear her hijab in her own house since there is a lot of strange men getting in and out of the house organizing and setting up the place. When she noticed someone was in the kitchen she looked up and her face lit up with a smile. 

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