Chapter 3- The Light

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A lot of people came up to me and started to congratulate me. For once I felt like I had a real family to love me for me, and see me for who I am and not just that smart girl who will do an act of kindness and be bullied for it when they don't get what they want. My three wonderful friends came running to me and gave me a deathly squeeze they call a hug. Not that I minded, but it really did hurt.

"Thank you all so much, I wouldn't have been where I am right now if it weren't for your help," I couldn't help but tear up from happiness.

"We are your best friends, of course we helped. Nothing in this world could have changed that," Laila said.

After hearing these words I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. I love these girls so much and God knew what could have happened to me if it weren't for that day I met Ella. Would I still be alive, and immune to everything around me especially my uncle who shows no emotions to anyone? I have been living with an uncle who is a workaholic and cares about nothing but his big business. I believe the only reason he took me in was because he was forced to by the judge at court since he knew my father so well. After all, he was his only brother. The only good thing I know about him is that he doesn't always believe what he hears. There has to be proof for it, that's why when I told him I was going to convert to Islam he said, 'do what you want. It is your life, after all, I have Muslims working in the business with me and they are very nice, and not all of them are what the media claims them to be.' That was all he said after going back to his paperwork and pretending that I don't exist.

"Now come on and wipe these tears, after all, the day isn't over yet," Ella whispered.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back while looking at her curiously. From the past year I have spent with this girl, I have learned that she is always up to no good and the whispering adds to my suspicion.

"You'll see," smiled Yasmin.

Oh no, she smiled that irrepressible mischievous smile of hers. Oh my Allah did her eyes just twinkle with it. These three are not telling me something. What could it be, though. I swear if they will do something embarrassing to me then there will be major payback.

"I will just pretend that I did not see or hear that," I told them.

"That's great, now come on let's go, Noah sent me a text that says,' I am waiting in the car, hurry up because I will leave,'" read Ella aloud.

"Would he really do that," asked Yasmin.

"Maybe, I don't know my family is unpredictable."

"You can say that again."

"Come on let's go, I don't want to go home walking," Ella yelled in frustration.

When we started walking toward the doors of the Mosque, I realized that Yasmin was walking with us. Just to make sure that she was coming and not just walking us to the car, I asked her, "Yasmin, are you coming with us?"

"Yes, why are you asking?" answered Yasmin.

"Just making sure," I replied.

As soon as we got into the car I thought that everyone would fall into that awkward silence again, but boy was I wrong. Now that Yasmin was with us, everyone was talking and making conversation. Everyone except for Noah who had a scrunched up expression on his face which I realized he usually has when he is driving. I find his expression cute, it makes him look more handsome than he already......., ugh I really should stop thinking about him like that it is just the devil playing with my head.

"Astaghfirullah (I ask Allah forgiveness), Audhu billah min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil)," I whispered to myself so nobody else would hear but me and my Lord.

It didn't take that long until we reached Ella's house, but the rest of the ride felt like torture. I tried my best not to look at Noah and his adorable expression. I have to succeed in doing that but I still can't ignore the feeling of butterflies in my stomach every time I am around him. Does he feel the same towards me? I shook my head at the thought.

What has gotten into me?

Just when Ella opened the house door, I looked inside and saw that nobody was home, 'that's weird,' I thought. Usually, when we are at their house, their mother or stepfather is always home. As soon as I entered the dark living room, I was met with a burst of light and a group of people shouting, "SURPRISE!"

I just stood there wide-eyed and shocked. A few seconds has passed when I broke down into tears. I felt someone hugging me from behind and soothing me. I wasn't crying tears of sadness, it was tears of joy. I felt something swell in my heart as soon as I realized the surprise they made was for me. When the person hugging me from behind let go as soon as I calmed down, she handed me a napkin and I got a clear shot of her face through my teary eyes. It was Farah, one of the girls I made friends with when I was starting to learn about Islam. Farah is a very sweet girl that you would easily get comfortable around when you first meet her. She is kind, has a big heart, and is a very good listener. So whenever you need to pour your heart out, Farah is the girl to trust, and everything that you tell her won't be told to a single soul.

"Are you okay," Farah asked me with a look of concern on her face.

I just nodded my head afraid that a word out of my mouth would lead to more tears, but that was impossible since everyone in the room gathered around me to hug me and congratulate me. I loved every single person in this room. After all they have done for me I don't know how I can ever repay them, but all I can do right now is make duaa (act of supplication) for each and every one of them, and thank Allah for all he has provided for me so far.

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