Coming Home

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I ran as fast as my swollen stomach would let me. I made it to the hall where my room was and decided I'd run to Four for advice, I started to go and knock on his door but was grabbed from behind and I was about to swing at the person thinking of who it was.

"Jade, what's wrong?" It was Four. I exhaled sharply and looked at him with tears in my eyes as he looked at me worried.

"He knows" Fours' eyes widened sharply and he pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head as I wept in his arms. He unlocked his door and let me in so we can talk in private. He sat next to me and asked me what happened and I looked at him and started crying.

"My stupid self went back to work, fell asleep at my desk and he shows up. We argue and like our typical arguments, he grabs me and kisses me and we start making out because I melted from his touch and before I can keep him from touching me he feels my stomach and I ran and here we are now" I said in one breath causing Four to look at me in amusement.

"So what are you going to do now?" I shook my head "I have no clue Tobi" Four looks at me and knows I'm at my breaking point when I call him by his real name now. He holds me as there's a pounding at the door. I flinch as Four sighs and stands up to get the door. Four answers the door and becomes hostile suddenly "What do you want?" I look and gasp as I notice who's there. Eric.

His eyes meet mine and soften when he sees my tears but looks at Four and they harden again, "I want to speak with my wife Four and you have her with you" "She came here Eric" before they go on, I stand up and speak up "Drop it Four, this can't be held off much longer" They both look at me but Four nods and I walk to the door and Eric moves out of the way to let me go and puts his hand on the small of my back as he leans into my ear "We're going to our apartment"

I unlock the door and make my way to the coat rack and hang my coat on the rack and turn around and look at Eric who's watching my every move. His gaze falls on my stomach and I feel self conscious suddenly.

"I'm going to take a shower before we talk" he nods his head and sit down on the couch propping his legs up and resting his head as if he's going to take a nap. I shake my head and walk into the bathroom to take my relaxing shower and pray that the warmth will relax my muscles.


I walk out in my robe and notice Eric leaning forward with his elbows on his knees reading a paper intently causing my curiosity to show.

"What are you reading?" I say lowly causing him to look at me "This was delivered about ten minutes ago, you have a ultrasound tomorrow" He whispers as if in a daze causing me to die inside it feels like. He doesn't want the baby, is all that went through my head.

"Why didn't you tell me" he whispers as he looks at me with sadness etched all over his face "You were already moved out when I found out plus we keep arguing and I didn't want to bother you" he closed his eyes and flinches as if I stabbed him. I put my hand on his cheek to soothe him and he leaned into it and kissed my hand "I keep hurting you and now you hate me" he took my other hand and pulled me closer to him as I moved my thumb back and fourth on his cheek causing him to look at me " I don't hate you Eric, I just wish this thing with erudite was over or never happened. I need you here with me now more than ever and all I can think of is what am I doing wrong that I can never be enough for you?" He closed his eyes again and looked down.

I felt something wet hit my hand causing me to pull his face up as I see his tears fall again. "Eric" I whispered as he looked down again "I didn't cheat Jade I swear it. She wants me but I don't want her. I'm just doing this still with her to make sure we're set in life once it's over. You're perfect Jade, I've always liked you before we came here, then when we met, I fell in love with you but I let my pride win at first. I messed up and I know it, I realized I was losing you so I vowed to leave every other female alone and focus on only you because you're all I want. just you, forever and always Jade" he looked down and I could tell he was fighting his emotions "I'm trying so hard to be a good husband and I'm fucking it up, so bad in fact that you didn't want to tell me we're having a baby" he started crying at this moment and I broke. I grabbed him and hugged him around his head and he wrapped his arms around my thighs as I stroked his hair.

"Eric I don't hate you, things have just been crazy." he looked at me as I leaned down and did what felt right I kissed him. He kissed back immediately and pulled me onto his lap as we started to make out. My hormones took over as I started to grind on him causing him to moan and pull his neck back making him vulnerable to me kissing his neck. He moaned louder as I rubbed between his legs and kept kissing his neck but kept rubbing my legs. I stopped and grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off as we looked at each other and smiled. I stood up and pulled him up as he kicked his jeans off leaving him in just his boxers as I pushed him back and straddled his lap again attacking him in kisses as I grinding against him.

He undid the tie around my robe and pushed it off my shoulders but paused when he looked at my swollen stomach making me sigh and grab his hands and place them on both sides of my stomach as his hands were so huge compared to my stomach that they completely enveloped it. He just kept staring as I put my hands on his face and made him look at me as I smiled "Eric, you're going to be a daddy. It's going to be ok baby" He looked at me as a tear fell again "I'm going to be a dad" he whispered and I nodded my head as I kissed him he repeated those words again and looked at my stomach. "I was afraid you'd reject me and the baby if I told you since this project was so important with Jeanine" I muttered "That's why I didn't tell you" he looked at me "That's what you think of me?" he whispers as if defeated and I stood up "Prove me wrong Eric, you always do, I know you can be an amazing father but you have to show me that you want this, us, our family we've started" He looked at me and grabbed my hips and pulled me to him as he kept his hands there and kissed my stomach causing butterflies in my stomach as he kept kissing different parts of my bump making me smile at his soft gestures.

When he looked at me again his eyes were dark and I knew what he was thinking, the same thing that I was. He stood up and picked me up as he walked to our bedroom and softly laid me down. He kissed my stomach again and trailed up my chest to my neck as his hands roamed my body making me sigh. I felt his hands on my hips as he fingers grabbed a hold of my panties and the feeling of nothing down there soon followed as he kissed my lower stomach and then my inner thighs as we kept our gaze on each other he came back to my lower stomach as he stopped and put his hand at my opening I felt a finger go inside of me and move in and out as he sucked on my clit making me purr in response. he added another finger making me moan now as I felt the heat rise from my stomach as his mouth and hands explored me. I felt wetness hit my thighs as i groan in pleasure. I look down as Eric licking his fingers and start kissing me again but trailed back up as I pant from each kiss like it's setting me on fire.

I gasp his name as he pulls my bra down and sucks on my breast I get some sense back as he kisses me with want and need as I grab his boxers and push them down his legs and I roll him over as I kiss his neck and chest and play with his member. I hover over him as I kiss him "I want you inside me Eric but I want one thing from you" he looked at me "What?" his husky voice just turned me on even more as I whispered "Don't leave me again, come home baby" he grabbed my face and kissed me and pushed his self inside of me causing me to cry out in pain and pleasure both as he holds me face in place "I am home baby and I'm going no where again" I smile at him as I start to move my hips and place my hands on his chest for support as I hit a rhythm. I feel the heat again and as I get close Eric sits up and grabs my hip with one hand and the other is on my back as he thrusts hard into me and kisses me to keep me from yelling out from the feeling. I let go as he lazily moves his hips as he gets off and rolls me over gently and pulls me into him holding me.

I look at him and smile "You really coming home?" I look at him as he looks back "I meant it, I'm having my stuff taken back. You're all I need" I smile and get back on top as he looks at me weirdly. I shrug my shoulders "Pregnancy hormones, I'm always horny" I whisper as he smirks "I can get used to this" I nod as I kiss him and enjoy my husband.

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