Don't Get Yourself Cut

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Ahhhhh, omg this quest is about to start and I wrote the last part while listening to a 'sad songs of teen wolf' playlist so... it should be pretty good.

The first time, Nico was grateful for his dreams being interrupted. The second, he was somewhat hesitant.

His dream was... pleasant to say the least. Warm and comforting yet with a slight uncanny factor. Things were too peaceful for his imagination so while he basked in the peacefulness of his dream, his subconscious trembled in fear and anxiety of what dark turn was to come.

Thankfully, all that happened was he was summoned to a funeral.

Already knowing what was happening, he turned around and saw Thantos perched on a tombstone.

"What? Wanted to tell me to hurry up?" Nico demanded, slightly irritated. He was doing Thantos a favour. He didn't get to rush him.

Thantos nodded. "Well, yes, that and I wanted to warn you that... things have changed. More like the level of danger that you're in, that is," he said, his voice rising an octave toward the end like he was already expecting Nico to explode.

In spite of him Nico just inhaled deeply, and leaned back on the tomb. "If you weren't a soul collector, I'd say I hate you," he exhaled and ran a hand through his hair.

"But you just said it," said Thantos, sounding a bit confused but shook it off. "Anyway, I've... heard... that Erebus has friends. Skilled friends who will be willing and able to track you down and eliminate you and your little rag-tag team of misfits," he said and gestured to the stone he was on. "With that lot, you'll be 6ft under one of these sooner than one would hope."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Of course he has friends, he's a god. But who are they? I can't just walk around being suspicious of each and every soul around—it'll be a distraction," he acquiesced and put a hand over his eyes.

The people mourning whoever started milling about, chatting but their melancholy voices all blurring into a strange warped moan of despair which haunted Nico's chest. As he struggled to drown it out, Thantos lifted a hand and the dreadful sound was silenced. "Whoever you trust. Whoever you find light in; for darkness can only thrive with the accompaniment of light," Thantos said and gracefully rose from the stone hedge and flapped his elegant and strong wings once, lifting a few feet. "I have no more to tell you. That's all I could collect from him..."

"Thank you, Thantos. For the vaguest and most useless—"

"Oh, shut up! I tried to get more out of him!" He bleated and flapped his mighty wings once more harder and flying up yards. "I have to go! Save my son, please!"

Nico cursed at the rapidly disappearing black dot in the sky and folded his arms, waiting to wake up which he promptly did.

Thankfully, he woke up in his bed and not the floor, though he knew he had not walked there because there was no way in Hades he would be completely under the covers. "F...uck..." he groaned and rubbed the back of his head. Great, he thought sarcastically, I'll have a knot on my head to match Valdez.

He slid from underneath the blankets and yawned, surprisingly feeling well-rested minus the slight headache. He stood and slipped on his shoes which were placed neatly by the door which had to be Hazel's doing.

Nico gave a weak smile and opened the door, cringing at the afternoon light that filtered in which reminded him of what Thantos said. Whoever you find light in... What was that supposed to mean? Would it be one of the kids he got on the quest...? An ally?

He walked, partially stomped, all the way to Percy's cabin, where he knew everyone would be chatting or whatever since they had discussed it on the way back. Weirdly enough, he hadn't slept long; Only to early afternoon which wasn't long enough to miss this... whatever this was.

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