Victory Sex (haha nope)

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" What's up with Nico? He seems grumpy... " Leo asked, taking a seat at the table.

" Have you met my brother? " Hazel asked with a slight smile.

" Yeah... but he actually does seem a little more upset today. This morning, I went to ask him if he wanted to go on watch duty with me and he just slammed the door on my face, " Jason said, frowning.

" Don't worry about it, Jase. He may just be in one of his moods... ever since he came back from the quest with Hedge and Reyna he's been more on edge, anyway, " Piper said, patting Jason's hand.

" Still, he is angrier than usual, today, " Frank said, looking at Hazel.

Hazel furrowed her brows, " I suppose I should go talk to him... "

Leo scratched his neck awkwardly, " No... I think I should try apologizing again. "

Hazel smiled at him, " Give it a try. "

" Good luck, " Percy said as Leo approached Nico's door.

" Hey, Ghostking! " Leo said, as he walked to Nico's bedside.

Nico groaned, " Leave me alone and go put some ice on your forehead, Valdez. "

Leo laughed, " He cares! "

Nico got up and pointed to the door, " You. Out. Now. "

Leo put his hands up in fake surrender, " Okay, okay, geez. All I wanted to know was why you seem to be so much more grumpy and moody today. " As soon as he said so he cursed.

" Are you trying to say that I'm grumpy and moody? " Nico said, raising an eyebrow. He knew he was but he just wanted to see Leo squirm. Anything to keep his mind off of... the date.

" No, no, no. I was just-- I mean. Oh mi dios, ¿qué he conseguido he metido? " Leo said and backed up, looking down with a sigh.

Nico sighed, " I know I am... I'm just... I'm fine. Just tell Hazel I'm fine. "

Leo shook his head, " I'm not leaving until I get an answer. "

Nico scowled, " I said I was fine now leave! "

Leo folded his arms and sat down on the foot of the bed, " I'm waiting... "

Nico snapped his fingers and a skeleton wearing one sequenced glove and red and black leather jacket rose from the ground.

" Is that Michael Jackson?!? " Leo yelled excitably.

Nico facepalmed and snapped again. The remains of the king of pop sunk back into the wooden floors, leaving a small scar looking mark.

" Aw, man, " Leo said.

" So... I guess you really aren't going to leave until I tell you, " Nico said, looking at the scar mark.

Leo nodded, " Never. "

Nico took a shaky breath, " T-today, is-- was my sister, Bianca's birthday. I-i- wanted to go sit outside to keep my mind off of it. And I'm sorry... about the deck thing. It's just-- I really, really, miss her and-- "

How did he even raise a skeleton we literally aren't even on the ground how the fu-- ?

" Figures... you aren't even listening, " Nico said and looked down at his hands on his lap.

Leo almost facepalmed again before he luckily remembered his injuries and put a hand on Nico's bony shoulder. " No, Nico, I just... I hit my head, remember? "

Nico rolled his eyes and sighed, " Leo, could you just leave? I want to be alone. And you can tell Hazel and anyone else who decides to pretend they care the same thing, " he said, pushing Leo somewhat gently off his bed and away from him towards the door.

Grabbing Nico's hand from his waist after being pushed away, and turned back towards him. " Look, Nico... being alone usually isn't a good thing. Neither is being depressed. I should know, " he said and moistened his lips, absentmindedly rubbing circles into Nico's palm with his thumb.

It was common knowledge that Leo's hands never really stopped moving and that he especially did so in thought. While he was thinking of what to say to Nico, he was still holding Nico's hand from pushing it away from him and so he had to find something to do with his hands.

Or at least that was the best Leo could explain it.

" Fine. I'll hang out with my sister. Are you happy? " Nico said, standing up without pulling his hand from Leo's. Not that he was paying attention to that or anything.

Leo smiled and faced him. " No. "

" What do you want? " Nico asked, rolling his eyes.

" I want to hang out with you, okay? I'll stay with you tonight. I mean, we're bros, right? "

" Yeah... we're... "bros". Okay. Fine. I don't even care anymore? " He said, sounding annoyed and plopped back onto his bed, accidentally bringing Leo down with him.

Leo fell directly on top of him and Nico screamed, causing everyone to run in just as Nico pushed Leo to the floor. The only problem was, when Leo fell, he fell with his face right in Nico's... er... area to spare some details.

" Gods, warn us next time! " Jason yelled, looking like he was going to be scarred for life.

" Jeez, Leo, if you were just gonna, ya know, have your victory sex like rest of us you could've just locked the door, " Piper said and laughed to the point where she snorted. She grabbed Jason's arm and walked out, still giggling.

" No, it wasn't-- "

" C'mon, Percy, let's leave them to it. I'd warn you about condoms but... it's not like either of you are going to get pregnant, " Annabeth said, and took Percy who was smirking and winking at Leo and Nico.

Leo gulped and looked at Nico who seemed paler than usual though Leo didn't even know that was possible.

" I-- I'm just going to leave now, sorry, Hazel, " Frank said and practically ran out of the room while Leo's ears were starting to steam.

" Hazel, I--" Nico started but was cut off by Hazel who was blushing just as much as her brother was now.

" Don't. Please, I'm gonna leave and go with Frank. Have fun...? I guess. " She said, scrambling out the door. She closed and looked it from outside from behind.

" Well, then. What do you want to do, Neeks? " Leo asked looking up with a nervous laugh.

Nico groaned and smushed his head onto his pillow in response.

Squeee!!1!1!1 It feels so good to get back into the swing of writing and publishing like yes. anyway this was made before BoO like way before so keep that in mind it might carry into BoO but idk yet also I may or not add you know who into the mix of things
Guess you wanna know who I'm talking about Eh?
Well I guess I can give a hint... hmmm
Anyone who guesses who it is gets a shoutout on my more popular account and basically the rest of my accounts
Btw I really appreciate the nice comments and the cool peeps who added this to their library
YALL some cool ass bros
But it'd be even cooler if you could show my stories some love (vote/comment/share Nicoistoastking Snowflakes-and-Magic @nicoisthetoastking @nicoistoastkingrp

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