Chapter One - The Purple Flame Cat

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Meeting the Purple Flame Cat


I hope you all enjoy my story; the cover image is Sonic and Blaze in Sonic Boom designs by Sonicluver16 – PLEASE go and check out their stuff on DeviantArt. I saw this picture and thought, "Oh wow, this is absolutely perfect!" So this is my story on how they met. Also this story is a testament to my comical side. Please review and tell me how I did on my "funny" lol. I don't consider myself a humorous writer but I wanted to take a stab at it and see what come out. This is Sonic Boom.

I don't own Sonic or the cover image.




"Another pile of molten metal found offshore near the jungle to the east." Amy recited as she read the headline of the morning newspaper.

"That's peculiar, that's the third one this week. Before we would only see one or two every now and then." Tails chimed in as he made breakfast for his friends.

Sticks' eyes lit up as she heard the headline, "I'm telling you there's a flame cat out there shooting flames from her bare hands!" Sticks exclaimed jumping from the couch and demonstrating shooting flames from her hand at Tails.

Tails, Amy and Knuckles stared at Sticks with a deadpan expression. Sticks looked back at them pausing her demonstration, her eyebrows furrowed when she realized they didn't believe her. "I'm serious you guys!" Sticks shouted, poking her lip out and putting her hands on her hips.

"Riiiight, and I'm shooting lasers out of my eyes." Tails joked. He then looked surprised at his statement, "Actually that would be pretty cool..." he brought out a notepad behind his back, "'re going on my to-do list..."

Sticks pouted, "You guys never take me seriously!"

Amy chuckled, "Sticks it's not like that-"

Sonic who was lying on the couch next to Amy, napping as usual, pulled a throw pillow over his head to shield his ears with its cottony goodness, but as it proved to be defenseless against Sticks' shrill tone he then popped up with an annoyed expression in his face. "What are you guys yelling about?" He yawned and stretched before looking back at Amy with half-lidded eyes expecting an answer.

"There has been another sighting of a pile of molten metal found in the jungle towards the east-" Amy began.

"It was by the flame cat!" Sticks finished yelling out.

Sonic cringed at her outburst, "Okay the first thing I believe, the second... mehhh, not so much."

Sticks shook her small fists in irritation and jumped over the coffee table to Sonic, but thanks to Knuckles he caught her just in time midair, and to much surprise to Sticks. Sonic grinned cheekily, "Thanks Knuckles, I rather not get mauled today."

"Oh you're gonna get mauled today! Let me at him!" Sticks struggled in Knuckles strong grip but Knuckles held fast.

"Don't let me get your cage!" Knuckles threatened, holding her away from him to not get hit by her flailing limbs.

She turned around and viciously hissed at Knuckles and in return Knuckles screamed a surprisingly high-pitched cry of fear and dropped her like a potato.

Amy shook her head then put her attention back to Sonic, "So what are you going to do today?" She smiled at him and rested her head against her hand. She began to get lost in his half lidded eyes... he looked so cool, and so uncaring, and so bored... siiiigh

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