Chapter Two

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Light feet ran swiftly back to camp, finally approaching it she slowed down panting slightly, she put on a small smile as she pushed through some undergrowth and stepped into the clearing where her camp resided. As soon as her feet stepped through the crunchy undergrowth a young, small figure that were tending to the campfire instantly turned on her in a second with a bow pointed in her direction, an arrow readied to strike its victim.

Blaze's eyes widened in surprise, "Whoa, hold on Marine, it's just me!" she put her hands up and the young girl that had the bow pointed to her quickly put it down as soon as she recognized her friend.

"Oi, sorry Blaze! You can't be too careful around here, they're robot's everywhere." The young raccoon put the bow back down and continued to tend to the fire, making it bigger and brighter as she added dry sticks and twigs to it. "So how was your fight- I'm guessing that's what you gone and done, you left in such a hurry at that racket." The young raccoon looked up at her.

"It was rudimentary at best." Blaze shook her head in disappointment. "That Dr. Eggman, or whoever he calls him, has an awfully weird taste in weaponry... and humor." She walked over to her friend and sat down in front of the fire; Marine then sat beside her.

"He?" Marine asked she looked at her friend bemusedly.

Thinking back, Blaze reminisced of the speedy blue hedgehog that called the villain that was controlling that environmental abomination Doctor Eggman. "Oh, yes I met a blue hedgehog during the fight; he came in to help- I mean, assist in the defeat of the Eggman and his machine." Blaze reached over and pulled her backpack from behind a stone and retrieved a can of noodles and meat and dumped it into a bowl, stirring it up then putting it over the fire to cook.

Marine looked quizzically at her feeling as if Blaze was leaving out some information. "Does this blue hedgehog have a name? And since he assisted you I'm guessing he's on our side, then?" the young raccoon gathered her arrows and began to sharpen them with a flat stone she brought out of her bag. Blaze hesitated for a moment regarding her question, so Marine continued. "I also caught a few more stray robots roaming the jungle while you were gone."

Blaze looked impressed at her young friend at her latter statement. "That's very good Marine, I can tell you've been sharpening your skills at archery." She congratulated her, and then shuffled her feet against the ground and she stared into the fire. "And yes, the blue hedgehog's name is Sonic the Hedgehog. He actually sort of saved me from an unavoidable attack by the Eggman- n-not that I really needed the help." Blaze paused for a few seconds as her golden eyes reflected the dancing flames of the fire. "So... I guess he is on our side..."

Marine nodded at her words, "Cool, new friends! Can we meet them?" she asked enthusiastically. Blaze turned towards her, seeing that she was really excited to meet new people.

Blaze just stared at her thinking it over; it would be interesting to meet the blue hedgehog again... but I know that I can't... "I- um, we shouldn't get too chummy with the townsfolk when we're already planning to leave soon. I've already plotted course to another island not too far from here-"

"Ughhhhhh..." Marine whined, "Why do we have to leave? We only have been here for a mere couple of weeks! Plus this place seems peaceful enough for me!" Marine smiled as she clicked her shoes together repetitively.

"An evil doctor with robots is hardly peaceful." Blaze deadpanned at her.

"Yeah, but, but, but... we have at least one new friend here to help us out!" Marine pointed out, she was still giddy on meeting new folks.

"We're not staying here." Blaze said back ending the conversation. "We're not stopping until we find a suitable island for adventuring."

"Oh alright alright..." Marine said disappointedly, "But at least may I explore the jungle a little bit before we go? To collect some keepsakes?" she said, her eyes lighting back up in anticipation for adventure.

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