Chapter Three

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Sonic and his friends including their new teammates Blaze and Marine attentions were brought front and center at once as they heard a panicky scream approaching Tails' hut quickly. Sonic jumped up immediately when the man who was screaming collapsed onto the front porch with a thud.

Sonic and his friends rushed to the man's side quickly, "Hey! Mayor what's going on? What's up with all the screaming?" Sonic asked elevating the man's head. "Amy, go get this man some water pronto." Amy nodded and ran back into the house.

"Oh no Sonic, the mayor has passed out!" Tails exclaimed, pointing at the old man whose eyes were in fact closed.

Amy ran back onto the porch with a nice cold glass of water in her hand, Sonic looked to her and nodded appreciatorily and took the glass. Sonic then looked at the old man whose eyes were now closed then splashed all the contents of the glass onto the man's face, "Wake up! What's going on!?" Sonic reiterated.

The old man looked utterly surprised but then focused back on Sonic, "There's a massive meteor shower happening right now!" the old man yelled.

Sonic dropped the man's head back onto the porch, "Come on gang, we gotta help the townsfolk!" Everyone behind him agreed and followed Sonic and headed towards the town hot on his heels except for Tails and Marine since they branched off to Tails' workshop. As Sonic Team approached the town they could see the sky darkening with the plethora of missiles of flaming rock of all sizes coming straight for a touchdown.

Once in town they could see all the townsfolk panicking and screaming, running around with their arms flailing in the air as the some of the smaller rocks hitting the ground like a hailstorm from hell. Sonic studied the sky and spotted even larger rocks in the sky probably miles up coming down slowly. Oh crap... that's not good. We gotta evacuate the whole town before those boogers get down here.

Sonic then looked to his friends that were patiently awaiting orders, "Amy, Blaze, please round up as many townsfolk as you can and get them down into the evacuation bunkers in the center of town! Knuckles you're with me and Sticks-" he looked to the jungle badger who was already heading towards her meteor shower prevention console. "Well alright then, let's go gang!"

"Right!" Said Blaze, Amy, Knuckles in unison then going off to their assigned objectives.


Blaze dashed to a group of kids who were still in the playground cowering under the slide in fear, their eyes were closed and they shook in fear as many watermelon sized rocks came zeroing in on their position and falling all around them with thunderous thumps on the ground.

Blaze quickly dunked underneath the slide, "Hey, hey everything's going to be alright, please come with me." Blaze said calmly but urgently, the three kids that were hiding underneath the slide looked to her in fear but quickly followed her out from under the slide then making a beeline straight to center of town to where the public bunkers were. The flaming rock rained around them like a hailstorm, smashing into signs and buildings and carts alike, mostly harmless, but scary as flaming rocks from space would ever be.

"It's okay; we're almost there, almost there." Blaze said to one of the little girls who were starting to whimper as a larger rock obliterated a parked bicycle to the left of them. Blaze's eyes then shot upward to see a boulder sized meteor coming straight for their position. Her mouth dropped with fear and instantly took the kids in her arms and jumped backwards then accidentally stumbling on a smoldering meteor that fell previously.

The kid's eyes stretched with fear as the meteor charged for them as a bull would a red cape, heading straight for them without discrimination. Oh no, oh no this isn't good. Think Blaze what can I do- Suddenly the roar of an engine sounded behind her and she snapped her head to the side to see a dark blue jet heading straight for their position. She smiled as she could see Tails and Marine in the jet, Marine wearing a matching pair of aviation goggles as Tails was, their faces painted with determination.

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