Chapter 5

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You gripped onto the handles of the 3DMG as you aimed your blades to the titans nape.

Damnit! How did these damn titans-

You grunted slicing the nape of the titans neck.

- get inside these walls?!

Switching the maneuver gears, you landed on the surface of a house. You looked around trying to spot the other squad members. You looked at your hand seeing blood from the titans as it started to smoke. You scrunched your face.

"Disgusting" You muttered.

"Brat! Stop wondering off and kill these bastards already!" You broke your gaze from your hand to the source of the voice. You saw Olou flew pass you with the 3DMG to the next building. You shook your head trying to focus on your objective.

"Come on focus Y/N, focus" You jumped from the roof using the grappling hooks, launching yourself to the next building, staying in formation with the others in the squad.
Your surroundings were horrifying to watch. Damn naked bastards eating humanity. Blood gushing. Sounds of bones cracking. Both can be smelled and heard all around. Thats all you were thinking about, just blood and bones.

"Stay in formation Y/N" Petra gave you a reassuring smile. As in response, you looked the other way and sighed.

This is unfair. Where is Eren and the others?

A flashback of earlier came when Eren was about to kiss you. Your heart raced and you felt your cheeks burn.

"Three titans spotted! Two 10 meters and a 2 meter!"

You slapped out of your thoughts focusing on whats in front of you. When you glanced at the 10 meter titan, you saw the monster picking up one of the soldiers from Trainees Corps. His face was wet from the tears and screaming as the titan raised him up to his mouth. You swung as fast as you could, pulling the gas trigger. 

"No! Help me! No!" He cried as the titan put him at the entrance of his mouth. You raised up your blades hoping you could make it in time. The nape of a titans neck is the only way to not let them regenerate back. Swooping down the titans neck and cutting the part of its nape off, you heard the crunch of bones. 

Landing on the rooftop next to the titan, your eyes widened when you saw the soldier in the monsters hand with no head. Blood gushing out, staining the symbol of the Trainees Corps on his jacket. 

The titan dropped down leaving the smoke come out from its body. Dead. Your breathing started  trembling at the soldier's death. I was too slow...I didn't make it in time... Your heart raced in anger. Griping on your blades making your knuckles turn white. 

You turned around and walked out of that sight. A soldier's death for all that he or she done to save humanity, will always be forever in their loved ones heart... grieving that they wished to see them again.

You quickly woken from your thoughts when a soft hand touched your shoulder. You turned around seeing Petra giving a slightly yet sad smile.

"You did the best you could Y/N.... Its not your fault-"

"It is my fault!" You snapped making her startle a bit. You slapped her hand off your shoulder. "If only I was fast enough... He wouldn't be dead.." You couldn't make words. You shook your head and walked away from her. 

"W-Wait! Y/N!" Petra screamed out but you ignored her and jumped off the roof using the 3DMG. You clenched your teeth and sliced another titans nape off. Titan's blood stained your uniform but you didn't care. You didn't care at all anymore. You landed on another roof top practically breathing heavily. You were getting tired, but, just a few more titans... then it'll be over.

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