Chapter 8: Lucan keeps running

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Better This Way

Lucan ran and ran. The cuts in his legs had opened once again, and had now bled through his bandages. People stopped to look at him, but he didn't care anymore. Let them know, he thought, I am a killer. Tears streamed down his face. His heart was filled with so much pain, it felt as if it was going to burst any second. He reached the edge of town, but didn't stop. He continued to run into the woods, jumping over fallen trees and ducking under branches. The branches left cuts in his face, but he didn't care, knowing that his tears would heal them eventually.

He suddenly stopped, realizing that he was hopelessly lost, and was scared. He looked around, walked backwards, and tripped over a log and rolled into a stream. He rose out of the ice cold water, gasping for air. But the current pulled him under once more. He tried to grab something to keep himself afloat, but everything slipped out of his grasp. Finally, he gave up. He took one last breath and let the current take him under. Maybe it's better this way, he thought to himself. He slowly began to lose consciousness. I'm sorry, he silently told the world. Then everything became dark.

The End

(You may now start from a different character or read the second ending for this story)    

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