Chapter 11: Run away

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Euandros saw Lucan's fearful face as he took in the sight before him. His head turned between him and the man. His body told him to attack, but his mind told him to run. He shook his head that was filled with disturbing thoughts and ran to Lucan. When he reached him he picked him up and slung him over his back. Lucan was lightweight easy to lift like a piece of paper to him. Euandros ran into a tight alleyway to keep them hidden. He glanced back to see that no one was running after them. He breathed a sigh of relief and rested against the building.

"Can you put me down now?" Lucan's annoyed voice sounded into his ears.

"Oh sorry" Euandros put him down and tried to calm him down.

" What just happened?" he asked with a frightened look on his face his tanned nose scrunching up.

"Do you believe me now when I said magic existed?" Lucan didn't how to respond and decided to walk away.

"You're not going anywhere with that man roaming the town," Euandros said with fury in his voice.

"I can handle myself! I don't need anyone to protect me!" he seethed. "And you irritatingly smell of coal!"

" First of all, of course I do, I'm a blacksmith!When did I say I was going to protect you? I only want to help figure out the cause of these mysterious deaths. " Lucan shifted and nodded his head, surprised at the answer. On their way back to the shop, they saw the cloaked man breathe into a man's face who was wearing a black hat, coat and held a cane. The man paused for a second not noticing the man in front of him and kept walking. After a few minutes, the man toppled onto the floor.Women with feathered hats and puffed dresses gathered around the man along with a few men holding black canes joined the circle talking in low whispers. Lucan pushed through the crowd and hurried to the man's aid. Euandros looked up to see the cloaked man waiting on the bench in front of his shop. He walked slowly to the man, keeping a fair distance.

"Who are you?" Euandros asked. "And why couldn't the man see you?"

"I am Gundhram. I am only visible to those who I allow to see me." he removed his hood uncovering his red horns and white hair. His red eyes stared out at him. "But, you never died because you are different, since you possess fulgurkinesis (lightning magic)."

"Why are you killing the people and how?" Euandros asked.

"I simply kill those who I will control. I kill and have power to command the dead. The dead will become my slaves only to serve me. So I could have authority over this town and its riches and move on to the next town." Euandros made the street lamp explode from his anger that was accumulating in his body. He raised his hand and shot bolts of lightning at the devilish man, who crackled shining his sharp white teeth. Gundhram dodged the lightning bullets and sprinted toward Euandros. Euandros didn't have a chance to blink his eyes. He felt a stinging feeling against his chest. He looked down to see a red pointed claw drenched in his blood.

"EUANDROS!!" he faintly heard Lucan's scream in the background. He lost balance and crashed onto the floor.

The End

(You may now start from a different character or read the second ending for this story)    

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