4 | Oh boy.

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What happened before..

She came up to him and hugged him tight until she started to cry real hard. Maya just needed someone and he was there for her. Always. He was shocked at first, but he slowly hugged her back and comforted her.

"Everything is going to be fine.", he whispered softly in her ear. Maya felt a lot better. And just because of Lucas. He made her feel alive, in a weird way.

If they knew who was watching them.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Maya?", a familiar voice spoke and Maya let go of Lucas immediately.

No, no, no! Maya thought. She wiped her tears quickly away and turned around.

"Riley? What are you doing here?", Maya stuttered. Why did she stutter? She did nothing bad, did she? Lucas heart stopped beating. At least, that's what he was feeling.

"What.. What is going on here?", Riley asked confused. I know, Mr. Friar is nice and good looking, but Maya would never do that, would she? Riley thought while looking at Maya concerned.

Lucas didn't know what to do. He felt embarrassed. But they didn't do anything. He was just comforting one of his students. Well, he guessed, that was enough. He went nervously through his hair.

"Miss Hart, Miss Matthews. I'll leave you two alone.", he stuttered and went back into his classroom.

"Maya?", Riley asked again.

"Nothing happened!", Maya snapped.

"I'm sorry.. It just-"

"Looked like it?", Maya asked. "Are you out of your mind, Riley?! I would never do something like that."

"Maya..", Riley sighed. "I know. But a lot of stuff happened and I don't know, I just.."

"Don't say anything. I'm done.", Maya whispered.

"Wait.. What? Done with what?", Riley was terrified. Maya could be a real devil when she was mad or sad. And right now, Riley didn't know what Maya was feeling. God, even Maya herself didn't know what she was feeling. She just felt so close to Lucas in that moment. It may be wrong, but it did feel right. And Maya was hating herself for it. Maya couldn't believe herself what she was going to say next.

"Done with you.. Done with Farkle.. Done with everyone.", Maya confessed and just went home. Riley couldn't believe what she just said. Her best friend just crushed her, for good. Maya herself never thought she would do something like this, ever. But she did, and she didn't even felt bad for it. That's what scared Maya the most.

"You okay, baby girl?", Maya's mum asked. Maya didn't say anything, she just went into her room and cried in her pillow. Okay, stop! You're Maya Hart, a warrior. You can do this. You can be happy without them, without everyone. You do, you can be happy.

Maya did not know if she should believe her own words. But she wanted to. She wanted to believe them. But she felt so.. alone. Even if her mum and Shawn and Harper were there for her, she felt alone. Probably because no one could understand her. Except one person. One person she didn't want to think of. Because she knew that when she let this happened, it would be a risk. A dangerous and forbidden risk. She could lost everything because of this one person. Lucas Friar, Lucas Friar, Lucas..

Suddenly Maya's mobile started to ring which caused her to come back to reality. Blocked ID. Who was calling her now? With the number blocked?

"Hello?", Maya asked, her voice still broken because of all the crying.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Miss Hart." Lucas. It was Mr. Friar. Maya's eyes widened.

"Mr. Friar. Where do you got my number from?", she asked curious.

"I.. got it from the list where all the names of my student are, with their numbers. You gave your number and.. The number of your mum. I guessed, calling your mum wouldn't be that good so-"

"It's okay, it's okay.", Maya interrupted. "But why is your number blocked?"

"It's always blocked.", he explained. "Because some students tend to keep my number and you know.. funny call jokes and stuff." Maya laughed. He was right. Students tend to do that.

"Hey, are you okay?", he suddenly asked softly. "Because of.. today?"

"I'm fine. Riley and I.. We just had a little fight. You helped me, again. Thank you for that."

"I didn't do anything."

"You did.", Maya said. "And I'm glad you did."

It was quite and the weird tension was back. That's the only thing she hated about them. The tension.

"Well, thank you for calling.", Maya said.

"Actually.. I..", he became nervous. "Harper and I wanted to go to a movie tonight and she asked me if it was okay if you come with us. I told her I would ask you. So..?", he asked.

Maya was smiling. She hadn't see Harper in a long time and she got along with Lucas very well. She didn't think of anything else, she wanted to join them. So she agreed.

"Good. We'll meet at the cinema." Mr. Friar hung up and Maya looked for clothes right after that. She knew this was going to be fun and she needed a night full of fun instead of a night full of fights and discussions.

- - - - - - - - - -

I'm sorry for that short chapter. I was totally planning on doing something different. But I tried to write this chapter like three times. Three times different and that's the best thing I could come up with, so I hope you still like it. But I'd like to have some ideas from you. What you want to happen and all your wishes so I can include them in the story. Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments, I love you all and I would be really glad if you could help me. I'm trying so hard not to show Lucas as a bad guy, even though it's hard because I'm actually not for teacher/student relationship. I used to ship Ezria from S1-3 and then I don't know. I didn't like that teacher/student thing at all. So it's hard for me to write this, that's why I'm glad you like the story. I just want some ideas of yours, too. Okay? Okay. Thank you :D

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