13 | Old Crushes & Best Friends

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One Week Later

"So.. I talked to Mr. Matthews and Harper about the trip to Texas and.. We're going!", Lucas confirmed. Everyone clapped and smiled. Especially Maya and Riley. Riley knew that Maya knew that Lucas was from Texas and of course, she's happy that her best friend got to know where her boyfriend's from. The blonde wanted to see where he grew up and if it's as beautiful as Lucas always described.

"We're going in exactly two days, we're gonna stay there for the weekend and we're gonna visit many places. Since it's my hometown I do know some pretty cool places."

"Like a party centre or something like that?", Zay asked. Lucas nodded.

"Yeah, something like that." Lucas smiled at his class and his eyes met Maya's blue ones. It was so hard for them to keep their hands of off each other. They even made out in the janitor closet once. Thank god they didn't get caught.

"You don't have to pay anything, Mr. Minkus. Mr. Matthews and I are gonna do that.", Lucas answered and Maya came back from her daydream. It was a hot daydream though and Maya wanted to go back so bad. Of course, her daydream was about Lucas.

"Wait.. My Dad is gonna pay for us?", Riley asked directly at Lucas.

"Yeah, pretty much, yeah."

"That's a new one.", Riley answered.

"Anyway, I think this is a great idea. Seeing where our cowboy teacher grew up might be cool. I'm very excited, Sir.", Maya spoke looking at Lucas with a smirk. Lucas raised his eyebrows as he heard the word cowboy. Maya was calling him so many names recently. And it all started with Huckleberry. He still didn't know what it means. But Maya also said she wasn't going to tell him.

Later At The Bay Window

"Does he know?", Riley asked.

"No.", Maya answered.

"Why not?"

"Because I didn't tell him."

"Why not?", Riley asked and Maya bit her lip.

"Because we said we want to keep it a secret, but then I told you and.. I don't know how he will react.", Maya explained while looking at her best friend.

"It won't be that bad, I promise."

"You told him didn't you?"

"Don't hit me!", Riley said and her face with her hands.

"Why'd you do that?", Maya whined.

"I wanted to.. I'm your best friend and he's your boyfriend and I thought he deserves to know that I know about you two. I know I should've warn you, but I knew you would react like this.", Riley explained.

"When did you talk to him?", the blonde asked.


Flashback: Two Days Ago.

Riley was standing in front of his front door. She knew she should've talked to Maya before, but she wanted to talk to Lucas. She thought he deserved to know that she knew. Also, she wanted to clear some things up. So she rang the doorbell and waited for Lucas to open it.

As Lucas heard the doorbell, he smiled in an instant because he really thought it was his blonde beauty. So he went to the front door and opened it. His smile faded as he saw Riley standing in front of him and he was scared, too. What was she doing here?

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