7 | An Assignment.

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"Farkle Minkus.. You will be with.." Lucas started an assignment. They have to do it together as partners. He looked through the room. Lucas clearly won't let Maya work with her boyfriend.

"Riley Matthews.", Lucas stated and Riley looked at him with shock. Maya didn't care. She had many reasons why she didn't care.

"Zay.. You'll be with Miss Hart." Zay nodded and so did Maya.

"What's the assignment about?", Maya asked.

"Feelings." Lucas talked to Harper about it, she said it was a good idea. He needed to come up with something. "I will give you a feeling and you will describe it in any way possible. Got it?" Maya and the rest nodded.

Riley and Farkle got the feeling happiness. And Maya and Zay got fear. Zaya clearly didn't know what to do with it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Later at Topanga's.)

Maya and Zay went to Topanga's so they could start with the assignment. Riley and Farkle would do it at Farkle's place. For Farkle and Riley it was easy. Riley was happy all the time and he was happy with Maya, so he knew how happiness feels like.

"So.. What are you afraid of?", Maya asked Zay with a smile. She thought this was ridiculous. But Lucas wanted it to be good, so Maya tried her hardest this time.

"Do spiders count?" Maya laughed at his comment.

"Okay, let's be real.", she said and looked at her friend.

"Probably.. Not being me one day. I don't want to change who I am.", he explained and Maya nodded until she gave him a pencil.

"Write it down."

She didn't give him a chance to ask her what she's afraid of. Maya didn't want to tell him, or anyone.

"Farkle?", Riles asked.

"Yeah?", he asked.

"Are you happy?" He had a confusing look on his face. "With Maya?"

"Of course, I am. Why'd you ask that?"

"I don't want her to get hurt again.", the brunette explained. Farkle nodded. He understood. Farkle slowly took Riley's hand, which made Riley go crazy, at least in her mind. Even though she knew, he didn't mean it like that. He gave her a soft smile.

"I will never hurt her again. I promise." He was so gentle and soft and so cute. Riley just wanted to kiss him, but she didn't. She knew she would lose her best friend and she knew she would hurt her. Riley would never do that.

"Thank you, Farkle."


One day later...

Everyone clapped for Farkle and Riley. They just read their assignment out loud and it was damn good. Damn, Maya thought. Zay wasn't in school, and she didn't do anything. She couldn't. She didn't know how. Well, she did write something, but she didn't like how it turned out.

While Farkle and Riley were in front of the class, reading their assignment out loud, Maya noticed something. The way Farkle looked at Riley.. It was magical. It kind of hurt. Yes, Maya was confused and she said it's okay for her best friend to have feelings for her boyfriend, which is true, but it still hurt. Probably because he was her boyfriend. He was hers. This might sound very selfish, but it was the truth.

"Miss Hart?", Lucas soft voice brought her back to reality. She raised her head and looked him. Everytime she did that, she got that weird feeling.

"What?", she asked.

"Your assignment.", he explained.

"I'm sorry. I don't.. I didn't do it." She bit her lip. He just nodded.

"Tomorrow?", he asked. She gave him a small, thankful smile and nodded.

The Bell rang and all the students left the classroom, except Maya. She wanted to talk to Lucas.

"I did do the assignment.", she said while she stand in front of his desk. He raised his head and looked at his students with surprised eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me that five minutes ago?", he asked. She could get lost in those green eyes.

"I don't think it's good enough."

"Read it to me.", he said. Maya nodded and got her assignment out of her bag.

"My fear.. not being good enough, pretty enough, not smart enough. On the outside, I'm the sarcastic and funny blonde girl who's an only child and lives with her mum, but on the inside.. I'm broken. My father left me when I was a little kid, I can't trust people because I got hurt so many times, I'm afraid of falling in love. I don't open up to people easily. On the outside, I seem like an open book. But on the inside, I have so many secrets. Everyone leaves me, so I guess, I'm just afraid of not being enough."

Lucas looked at her the whole time. She opened up. She opened her heart by reading those lines to him. He was speechless. Not because it was so good written, but because he could see through her now. She was broken, a broken mess. A beautiful mess. And for him? It changed everything. She wasn't just a student anymore. She was important to him. He wanted to be the one who protects her, who's always there for her, who helps her to deal with her issues, with everything. He wanted to be her everything. The person why she started to believe in things again, why she hoped for things. And for the first time, he didn't care about anything, but Maya. No matter how forbidden and toxic and bad this all was gonna be, he wanted it. He wanted her.

She looked at him with those beautiful blue eyes that screamed for a good feedback, for hope.

He gave her a small smile, before he stand up and stand in front of her. She was already confused, but excited what was going to happen aswell. He looked deeply into her eyes. Green and blue coalesced to one. He put his hand softly on her cheek and got closer, and closer until their lips touched. And no one did something against it. It was a sweet, innocent, but passionate and hot kiss. It was like their lips were made for each other. It was like they were made for each other.

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A/N: Yes, I finally let it happen. Your welcome. I hope you like the chapter, because.. I'm not completely okay with the first half. 1k words!! And over 2k reads, wow. Thank you so much!!

This is probably gonna be the last chapter before Christmas. I'd probably uptade before New Years again, but I'm sure. If not, I wish you a happy holiday and happy new years!❤

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