Where to go

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                                         I pulled over to the side of the road. I had no idea where I was going to go. I couldn't go to a family member's house because my parents will probably tell them and they were probably going to kick me out so that is not an option. I think for awhile and come to the idea to go to Grace's house.  I looked at the clock and see that is is one o'clock in the morning. I don't want to wake her. I will go and get gas and sleep in the car. I get to the gas station and look in the mirror. I had a black eye and a bruise on my jaw. I wash my face and change into what I will wear tomorrow. I get back into my car and pull behind the gas station. I tried to get comfortable, I just couldn't. It wasn't the same as a bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

                                           I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was Frankie, she was calling me. "Hello? Are you okay Maggie? I have been trying to text you all night." She sounded really worried. I didn't want her to worry right now, "Yeah, I am fine. I am sorry I didn't answer I got caught up with something." I think I was getting good at lying because she seemed to buy it. "Okay, well I will see you at school. Bye." We hung up and I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I looked terrible. What am I gonna say to people, I could say I was jumped. I think I will just say that. I didn't even try to put on makeup, it wasn't worth it. I got in my car and drove to school.

                                    I could feel people staring at me and I knew that they were talking about me when the were whispering.  I walked up to Grace and she turned around and gasped. "What happened? Are you okay? Who did this to you?" I just looked at her and I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. I haven't had time to cry about it. Grace pulled me into her car and I just let the tears come out. "They don't love me anymore. They kicked me out, they kicked out their own daughter." She put her hand on my shoulder and started to cry too. "Did your dad do this to you?" I nodded my head. She just looked at me with pity in her eyes and she hugged me. It felt so good to feel the warmth of her hug. We wiped away our tears and went into school. 

                                     It was lunch time and I gave the cooks my ID to pay. It buzzed and the cook tried it again. "I am sorry but you don't have any money in your account, I am going to have to take the tray back." I handed her my tray and sat down with my friends. I sat down next to Frankie, I could tell she was trying not to cry. I put my hand on her leg and I mouthed "I'm okay" to her. She nodded and went on to eating lunch. Grace noticed that I didn't have food so she gave me her grapes. "Here take these, you need to eat something." I took the grapes and started to eat them. The whole lunch was awkward silence and they couldn't help but look at the bruises. I understood that they wanted to ask questions but I wasn't ready and they were respecting that. 

                        I was walking out of school and freshmen were handing out papers. I took one and looked at it. It was for homecoming. I have always went with Ashley, now I had no one. Then I felt a warm hug from behind me. I looked behind me and saw Frankie. I smiled, I knew who I was taking now. "Is this because of me? Is it because I kissed you and your sister saw?" I laughed and dragged her behind my car. She was really concerned and she was crying. I just looked at her and wiped away a tear from her cheek. I leaned in and I kissed her, I pull back and smiled. "I am fine, I promise." She smiled and and nodded her head. " Hey Frankie?" I said, she looked up. "Will you go to homecoming with me?" She smiled and then her smile faded. "What?" I was starting to panic. "What about the other people, I don't think I am ready to have other people know about me." I totally understood what she felt like. "We can just hang out, no one will suspect a thing." She smiled, "Yes, I will go to homecoming with you." I smiled and she kissed my cheek, I smiled and she walked away. I was happy again.

                        I pulled up to Grace's house and walked up to her door. I knocked on her door and her mom answered. She looked at me and gasped, "What happened? Please, come in." I walked in the door and saw Grace and she got up and hugged me. "Umm, can I stay here? I don't have anywhere else to go." Grace laughed, "Of course! You are always welcome here." I look over at her mom and she smiled and nodded. It felt so good to feel welcomed.

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