Chapter 1-The concert

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[This is my first attempt at a fanfic. Enjoy!! ]


~Clover POV~

That summer night was when it all started.

The lights bright and shining just like the stars. My best friend Raven and I are living it up at the concert of the year. We couldn't believe it ourselves we were actually at a One Direction concert. It was like all of dreams were coming true right in front of our eyes. Though the dream was just starting.

"I cant believe were actually here" Raven screams over the music

"I know its like things our starting to look up for us!" I scream with a huge smile plastered to my face

Listening to One Direction sing little things in person was a priceless moment.

"Your hand fits in mine Like it's made just for me, But bear this in mind It was meant to be and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me" Zayn sang it just like the recordings.

I look over at Raven who already is fighting back the tears. She finally breaks away to look at me I can tell she notices the tears fighting there way out of my eyes. I hate to cry but this song makes me so emotional. The song comes to one of our favorite parts Louis's solo.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversation are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me" Louis's voice is always music to my ears.

Raven and I have tear running down our cheeks by the time the song ends. The concert goes on and soon comes the best part of the night. I had surprised Raven earlier with VIP passes which meant we were going to get to meet One Direction tonight.

"The last song where going to sing tonight is What makes you beautiful" Niall announces with his beautiful Irish accent.

I would die to hear his voice everyday of my life.

"That's what makes you beautiful" Harry sings with such perfection. I love his adorable curls. The songs ends and Raven looks at me with wide eyes. Its finally time to met our idols. We hurry through the crowd to get back stage hopefully not to have to wait forever. There are few people back stage so far so we take the chance to fix our appearances. I pull out my mirror and start to check my make up. I'm not a girl who like to wear a lot of make up but I added just a little extra for tonight. My hair is in good shape for as hot as it was. Raven wishes she could say the same. I turn to see her attempting to calm her crazy hair down but not succeeding. I pulled out my hair brush and went to work trying to help her soon we had it some what under control. Finally we were both happy with our appearances and it was almost our turn to meet them. The two crazed fans in front of us where up and we were going insane.

"Your up ladies. Straight ahead and right around the corner" The guard told us. We quickly scurried down the short hallway. We rounded the corner and froze there they were standing right in front of us. It was the guys of our dreams, One Direction. We finally came out of our trances and inched forward slowly.

"Hi" I whispered. I was so nervous. Niall was first to say something.

"Hey, Its nice to meet you what's your name?" He said to me making my knee wobble. "Clover" I spoke feeling the blood rush to my face. He chuckled. Which made me grin like an idiot. He has such a beautiful laugh.

"What a beautiful name you have" He says killing me with his accent and with beautiful smile which made me blush even more. Niall then turned to Raven who was still in complete shock. "Hello and what is your name" He spoke smoothly to my best friend.

"Raven" she said giving him a small smile. " Beautiful name just like Clover" He smiled looking at me again. Niall turned to the rest of the group and waved them forward. They responded quickly scurrying forward. Niall introduced us to the group fairly quick knowing we only had a short time and we had to do pictures yet.

"Ok so did you guys what any certain poses for the picture?" Niall asked us. Raven spoke up fairly quick." I know that it made seem rude to ask this but I have always wanted a Larry kiss" She spoke just barely above a whisper. Louis and Harry laugh and gladly agreed having been asked so many time they started to just give in and do Larry kisses. Raven stood in the middle with Louis on the right and Harry on the left. They leaned in and kissed her cheeks as I took the picture. It turned out great you could see her tomato red cheeks. Now it was my turn I decided I wanted a normal group photo I stood in between Harry and Niall while Liam, Louis and Zayn piled on to the sides. Raven takes her time but finally snaps the picture. She smiles and shows it to me before we turn to say our good-byes knowing we will probably never get to see them again. I wanted one last thing before we left.

"Would you guys be kind enough to sign my shirt please?" I smile hoping they would. Surely enough they did. I handed Zayn the marker first. Soon he passed it to Liam. Liam took his time knowing it was tickling me through the shirt as he wrote. Louis was next to sign he giggled as he wrote what felt like a paragraph. Then Harry quickly signed and handed it to Niall with a huge grin plastered to his face. Niall took the marker and started writing away I could wait to get home and read what everyone wrote. We said good-bye and scurried out to find my parents. After a good 15 minutes of walking and trying to find their car we spotted it along the rode. We skipped happily to the car greeting my parent with our hellos. We told my parents about the night and they laughed at how loud and hyped we still were. We decide to get off at a exit not to far from home to make a quick stop at Sheetz to fill up the car and to use the restroom. Raven and I wasted no time at Sheetz we did our business and grab a quick snack and drink. We skipped happily back to the car and we were off again. It felt like no time before we arrived at Raven house.

"Good-bye" I yelled out the window and she walked up to her front door. She turned and waved. My parent waited till she was safely inside then we were headed home. We arrived within about 5 minutes being the road were pretty dead at 1 a.m. I ran upstairs to my room so curious to see what the boys wrote on my shirt. I slipped my shirt off quickly. I laid it on the floor and let of a scream I couldn't believe my eyes.


So guys hoped you liked my first chapter. I know it wasn't very exciting but its going to get better. Remember its my first fanfic so sorry if it isn't good. Leave comments please. I would really appreciate it. I promise to update.

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