Chapter 5-Bad News

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~Clover's POV~

Niall hoped in the car and we were off to get ice cream. We knew we had them beat to the ice cream shop but we enjoyed racing there. We got there seconds before Raven and Louis which shocked us being we had a pretty good head start. We were glad their were few people there. Niall and I couldn't agree on a flavor so we both got our own. Raven and Louis decide to share a banana spilt. We decide since it was a nice night we would eat at the picnic table outside.

"So guys how was the movie" I asked

"It was good what I saw of it" she said with a shy smile. I grin at Raven.

"CLOVER!" Raven yelled while in the process throwing ice cream at me. It landed in my hair which sent me over the edge. I stood up and flung a spoonful of ice cream at Raven. Before we knew it we had broke out in world war 3. After we all ran out of ammo we couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't help but snap a pic of me and Niall and post it. We were lucky there were restrooms to get cleaned up in I would have felt bad getting the car dirty.

Niall and I waved good-bye as we left it was getting late and I had to be home by curfew. We got to my house sooner than I hoped I didn't want this night to end. He walked me to my door. We stood there what felt like forever just staring into each other eyes. Soon enough our lips met in a passionate kiss. We broke apart in awe. He is the best kisser.

"I hope to see you again Clover, I really enjoyed tonight"  I smiled

"Me too"

"Good-night" and with that he kissed my cheek making his way to his car. I watched as he drove away into the dark. I unlocked the door and walked in seeing my parents glaring at me.

"Your late young lady" My dad said with a frown.

"Sorry I lost track of time it wont happen again" I dropped my head to look at my feet.

"Its ok sweetie next time you know just send us a text" My mom is always understanding unlike my dad who doesn't want to see his little girl grow up. I bid my good-nights and head to my room. I was exhausted. I changed into my PJ's and jumped into bed. I closed my eye and was quickly over taken by my exhaustion.

~Niall's POV~

After dropping off Clover I drove back to the hotel. I expected everyone to be asleep but to my surprise everyone was still up playing video games. I walked over to see Harry and Liam racing in Mario karts.

"Paybacks a bitch Liam" Harry shouts. I sit down next to Zayn who is playing with his phone.

"How was your date" He asked not looking like he really was interested.

"Amazing she is different than all the other girl there is just something about her" thinking about Clover brought a smile to my face.

"Thanks cool" He sighs turning back to his phone.

"Is something up Zayn" I asked curiously.

"Perrie and I got in a fight tonight"

"Is it anything serious" I was worried about Zayn he really loves Perrie.

"I don't really know yet"

"Do you mind telling me what its about"

"Well see I ran into my ex ,Michelle, at the restaurant we were at and Perrie was mad because I introduced her as my friend instead of my girlfriend I didn't mean to but it kind of slipped before I thought about it. I just was nervous because I know how clingy Michelle was when we were dating. She got really jealous when we were dating and I didn't want her to scare away Perrie." he let out another long sigh.

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