Chapter 2-Next Morning

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Clover's POV~

I rubbed my eyes thinking I was seeing things. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my parents came rushing into my room. "Honey what wrong we heard you scream" my mom says as calmly as she could. "ummm" I was speechless I was still unsure of things myself. My parents stared at me waiting for an answer. " I saw a spider" I lied hoping they wouldn't notice. "OK well get some sleep you have had a long night" my mom says as she kisses me goodnight and her and my dad leave. As soon as I heard them reach the bottom of the stairs I shut my door and dialed Ravens number. It rings twice before she picks it up. "hello?" she says sounding half asleep. "OMG you aren't going to believe this!" I pretty much scream into the phone forgetting my parents are trying to sleep. "What" she says a little annoyed. "Niall wrote his number on my shirt!" I whispered screamed into the phone. "What no way are you serious this is unbelievable. I cant believe it Niall Horan likes you!" She says almost sounding more excited than me. I'm quiet still pondering my thoughts I am still in denial. I bet it is just a joke probably one of his lads dare him to. Then I looked back at the shirt I forgot I never read anyone else's. I gasped when saw what Louis wrote.


       I would like to ask a favor of you. Your friend Raven is so cute and I was wondering if you would text me her number. My number is (585) 627-0213. Please do this for me I would really appreciate it.


            Louis Tomlinson

I smiled and laughed forgetting I was still on the phone with Raven."Whats so funny?" she questioned me. "Oh nothing" Lying over the phone was so easy."Well I am tired and want some rest" she attempted to say as she yawned through the phone."K i will text you in the morning Night"I tell her feeling a little tired myself. "Night Clover" she says before finally hanging up. I decide to go ahead and put Niall's and Louis's phone numbers in my phone. I pondered my thoughts about texting Niall before going to sleep but I decided that he is most likely already asleep. I walked over to my dresser and picked out my favorite tank top and a pair of pajama shorts for bed. I went to the bathroom changed and brushed my teeth before finally lying down in bed. I soon was engulfed in a wave of exhaustion.

~Niall's POV~

I was in such a daze after meeting Clover. I never really believe fully in love at first site but after tonight i think I just might. Clover was like no other girl I have ever met before. I loved everything about her. Her smile, her eyes, her voice but most of all the way she looked when she blushed. She was amazing in every way. I was hoping she would text me.

"Niall" Louis yelled pulling me out of my deep thought.

"What?" I yelled back a little annoyed

"I wanted to know what you wanted to eat?" I guess he is off the hook now since his question involved food. I could never pass up food I'm always hungry.

"Hmm pizza sounds good" I yelled causally walking out into the main room of the hotel room.

"So did Clover text ya mate" Louis asked went a huge grin across his face. I blushed a little thinking about her.

"Actually she hasn't" I say frowning a bit. "Oh" is all he whispers as he walks away to order the pizza.

Time passes slowly while waiting for the pizza. Its just Louis and i tonight since everyone else went clubbing. We sat in awkward silence as we waited. Finally the there was a knocked at the door. Louis quickly scurried out of the room to get the pizza. I got up to go get some drinks from the fridge.

"mm smells good don't you think Niall" he says sitting on the couch.

"yea" I say taking a seat shoving a huge piece of pizza into my mouth. We make small talk about the concert and other little things. Finally I decide it time to go to bed since it doesn't seem like Clover is texting me anytime soon. I'm not getting my hopes down yet because she did have a long night just like me so it didn't really surprise me not getting a text.

"Well Lou I'm going to go to bed see you in the morning" I say turning toward my the door.

"Night" Lou calls  before I shut the door. I quickly stripped my clothes off leaving me in my boxers. I laid down my mind on Clover. I was lost in a sea of her beauty. I was soon meet by an dark cloud of exhaustion and within minutes I was out into a deep sleep.

I pushed her against the wall as the moaned softly. Our lips moved in sync. She was all I wanted no she was what I needed. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she granted willingly. The kiss deepened as I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down never breaking the kiss. I slowly pulled back kissing down her jaw making my way now her neck. Soon enough my mission was complete I found her sweet spot making her let out another moan. I sucked and nip her neck listening to her moan my name. "Niall " she moans I begin making my way back to her lips. She grabs my shirt and pulls it up. I help and throw the shirt across the room. Soon enough her shirt is off and her bra soon following. I kissed down her torso kissing every inch of her. I finally reach the top of her jeans. I undo her jeans and with one quick jerk they are off and across the room. She soon is in control she pulls me down and straddles me kissing me and tightening my already tight skinny jeans. She slowly up buttons my jeans pulling them off and throwing them. She crawled up to kiss me moving to...


I sit up in a daze. I can't believe the dream I just had. It wasn't like me to have dream like that about people I just met. Then I realize my phone beeping was what woke me up. I had a text. I rolled over hoping it was Clover. To my luck it was

Clover: Hey, its Clover

Me: Hey love, How r u?

Clover: Good Hbu?

Me: Great now that I am texting you! ;)

Clover: Aww aren't you the sweetest!

Me: So i was wondering would you wanna have dinner tonight?

Clover: Yea sure sounds great! What time?

Me: How about 7

Clover: Sound great! See you then

Wow I cant believe I have a date tonight with an amazing girl. It been a while since I have had a date. I put my phone on the night stand and decide to take a shower. I got the temperature right and stepped into the shower. I was enjoying my shower so much I really didn't wanna get out but I knew I had some planning to do for the date tonight I wanted it to be Clover best date ever. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans and a old white shirt and made my way out following the smell of bacon. I reached the tiny little hotel kitchen. Harry was at working cooking us breakfast while everyone else was sitting around the table talking. I ran over and stole some bacon getting an evil glare from Harry but I ignored it. I joined the group over at the table.

"Hey everyone" I say with a huge grin. Everyone stops talking and looks at me with curious faces. Louis first to speak with a huge grin plastered to his face.

"What's got you in such a good mood Niall?" Louis giggles already I know he has an idea.

"Well I have a date tonight" Everyone's jaws drop leaving shocked expression on everyone's faces.


 Niall asked Clover out! now lets hope the date goes well. Comment please :) If you have any suggestions don't hold back I would love to hear them! Thanks hope you enjoy the next chapter.

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