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The Next Morning

Meek Pov

I got a little sleep but not alot. I looked between me and Nicki, and papi wasnt there. I got up and went to go pee and do my morning hygiene routine . I walked out the bathroom and went down the hall and heard Papi talking to someone. I peaked into his door and he was on FaceTime with someone...

Papi Pov

Papi:But I dont wanna come home

Fah:You dad is bringing you home today, you dont have a choice

Papi:But why cant i just stay here with dad and..

Fah: and who?? your dad has somebody else around you?

Papi:No, I was talking about the dog that dad said he might get * i lied, I  know she would come get me if I told her that mommy was here*

Fah:Why dont you wanna come home

Papi:Because Kendall is mean to me

Fah:*laughs*  How is he mean

Papi:Why are you laughing, nothings funny

Fah:Im grown I do what I want. And if you would just listen to him when I go out then he wouldnt have to be mean to you.. Its not like he hit you

Papi:yes he did, and i told you and you laughed at me and told me to get out your face... You should have just left me at home by myself like you use to do

Fah: Im not about to sit here and argue with a 5 year old... you know what, since you think that your dad can take better care of you when he wake up tell him to call me.. Im gonna start packing your stuff

I hung up... I put my ipad on my nightstand and flipped over in my bed looking at my wall. I think I made the right decision. Mommy Nicki takes care of me and daddy takes care of me. Ever since she got her new boyfriend she just ignores me. She dont pay attention to me, I tell her i love her and she just looks at me and i walk away in my room and cry. I dont hate her for not telling me that she loves me back. I just dont like her, I think me being away from her and being with dad is good for me . Atleast I know that he will tell me that he loves me back. When she dropped me off, I dont know why she was being so nice when i know she hates me.

I came out of my thoughts when I looked down on my bed and it was wet i didnt even realize that i was crying. I just laid there and cried myself back to sleep.

Meek Pov

After hearing their conversation , I walked back in the room and looked at Nicki just waking up. I went downstairs and stood by the pool. What if I sent him home yesterday and that nigga was beating  on my son. Papi was to scared to tell anyone but I dont want him to be scared to tell me anything if it was hurting him. I went upstairs and I heard the shower running so I figure Nicki was taking a shower. I went into the closet and grabbed my running shoes. I changed into some puma basketball shorts, a black compression shirt and put on my running shoes. I grabbed my phone and turned on the "Do Not Disturb" . I turned my music on and put my earbuds in and my phone in my pocket. I had to run off this anger before I drove to Fah house and beat that nigga ass and curse her ass out..


3 Hours Later

I walked into the house and Nicki and Papi were sitting on the couch watching Cars 2. I walked in and Nicki looked at me. She laid Papi on the couch because he was sleep.

Nicki: Where were you

Meek: I went for  run..  I had to clear my mind before I did something i would regret

Nicki:What happened

I explain everything to Nicki and at the end she was just lost for words. She was sitting on the bed and I was sitting in the window bed. We just stared into eachothers eyes and a single tear fell from her eye. I got up and wiped the tear before she could.She wrapped her arms around my torso and i wrapped my arms around her waist.

Nicki:How could she do that to him and treat him like that.. He's only 5.... 5, I SWEAR IF I MEET THE BITCH IM GOING TO BEAT HER ASS..

Meek: Baby calm down im going to handle it.. As soon as Papi wake up , imma talk to him.. I just need you to relax

I kissed her lips and we got up to go back downstairs. I walked down the stairs and Papi was in the kitchen trying to get him some fruit snacks  out the snack drawer. I walked up behind him and he jumped.

Papi:Dad i been looking for you * he looked down*

Meek:I just went for a run thats all

We walked over to the couch and Papi at on the other couch, quiet with his head down.

Meek:Whats wrong Pap

Papi: I talked to Fah this morning when I woke up and she's mad because I told her that I didnt wanna live with her anymore.She told me to tell you to call her, so yall can talk about it.

Nicki:Why dont you like living with your mom

Papi:She's not my mom, you are.. dont say that

Nicki:What did she do to make you not wanna live with her anymore

Papi:He gotta new boyfriend and when she goes out she leave me home with him because she went out before she left me at home by myself. I wanted icecream after dinner and he told me no so i went in my room and played with my ninaj turtles. He came in the room and he hit me and i didnt do anything * Nicki walked over and wrapped her arms around him*. I told Fah ad she laughed at me, anytime I tell her that I love her he just looks at me , she doesnt say it back... I hate living with her. I just wanna stay here with my mom and dad where i know that im loved.

Meek: Papi me and Nicki love you... Don't worry bout it ,im going to fix that. Yall go get dressed im bout to call Fah and we bout to go get all this stuff so he can be with us. I dont wanna see him sad because Fah wanna be a nut ass person. *Papi went upstair into his room and I pulled Nicki close* I love you Nika

Nicki:* She looked in my eyes* I love you too Daddy

*Skips to Fah House *

Nicki Pov

We pulled up at Fah house. Papi got out and Meek got out

Meek:You coming

I nodded and got out the car. Papi held my hand and Meek walked infront of us. Meek rang the door bell and someone I never thought that I would see answered the door ....

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