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The Next Morning

Nicki Pov

I woke up sore from the past 36 hours. I grabbed onto the nightstand, I pushed myself up. But I couldnt stand up on my own.I looked over at Meek waking up. I laid back down and kissed his lips.

Nicki: Hey baby

Meek: Hey Mrs.Williams.. You not mad at me anymore are you

Nicki: Not after what you did last night.

We both laughed

Nicki: Can you help me to the bathroom

Meek: I might not even be able to help myself.

I looked at him

Meek: You put it dont like that

I looked away and blushed. I felt him move close to me

Nicki: Stop you rabbit

We both laughed again

Meek: I love you Mrs.Williams

Nicki: I love you too Mr.Williams

I had to pee so I really had to get up. I got up and it hurt like hell to walk, I felt myself limping. Rihmeek laughed

Nicki: Baby leave me alone

Meek:Okay im sorry

Nicki: What time is Papi coming back home

Meek:Na said she was gonna drop him off around 12, why

Nicki: Cause I miss my baby

He put he hand over his chest and acted like he was crying

Meek: Im so hurt

Nicki: Will it make you feel better if you came and took a shower with me

He looked at me and smirk. How am i still able to walk , I thought


We were downstairs watching Creed, I was sitting in Rihmeek lap eating popcorn.Meek had on sweat pants and a DC shirt and I had on someyoga pants and a tanktop I was comfortable until the door bell rung. I got up and opened the door. It was Na, Denim and Papi.


Nicki:*Picking him up* Hey baby, im missed you

Papi: I missed you too *he kissed my cheek*

He got down and ran to Meek

Na:Hey sis

Nicki:Hey Na, hey Denim

Denim: Hey auntie Nicki

We walked in the house

Na:You okay

I threw my head back cause I know she was talking bout my limp

Nicki: Yeah, but im going to kill ya brother for doing this to me

We both laughed. We walked into the livingroom and Meek was playing with the kids. I ready for our baby to be born.

Denim:Auntie NIcki can I spend the night with you guys

Nicki:Ask Na and if she lets you can,we'll take you shopping tomorrow for clothes

She ran off to find Na

Meek looked over at me and winked , I blushed

Meek:Come here baby

I shook my head no

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