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~Sierra’s P.O.V.~

“Sierra you have to come out sometime!” I heard Krissy scream from the other side of my door; I just didn’t want to get up out of bed. I just wanted to lay here with my puppy and watch youtube videos, I sighed to myself as I realized how much today is probably going to suck.

“Sier- Just let it go Krissy. She doesn’t want to come out” I heard her band member and good friend Ryan saw as they walked away from my bedroom door. 

I heard my phone start to go off next to me, I was so hesitate at answering it first considering it might be someone trying to get me to go out tonight when I really didn’t want too but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to answer it.

“Hello?” I sighed into my phone, keeping myself from acting like a complete and totally bitch to them.

“Sierra” the voice breathed out like it was some miracle on earth that I answered my phone,

“Shayley?!” I screamed into my phone as I recognized the voice, I was shocked that it was the Shayley Bourget. I haven’t heard from him in so long since he announced his leaving of Of Mice & Men, we lost touch and it was very upsetting at first but not too long ago we got back in touch only for it to be lost again when he started to tour with his new band Dayshell but that was partly my fault because I’m an asshole.

“The one and only” I could only imagine the smirk on his face at the moment; we were such good friends when we use to tour together. I use to always go to him for things every time we toured with Of Mice & Men, he was just a good friend to have around; there would be the few times I would try and help him out with everything going on but sometimes you have to understand when a person tells you they need to do something by themselves.

“What’s up?! I haven’t heard from you in such a long time” My mood got so much better hearing from Shay, I guess sometimes people are right when you just need a good friend to cheer you up.

“I’m going to be in town for a while and I heard you have been going through a lot so I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to go out for some lunch?” I smiled to myself, this was perfect. I could get my mind off James; I would be seeing an old friend again I couldn’t ask for a better way to continue on my day!

“That would be perfect Shay! Mind if I bring my little Jeffree with me?” I heard him chuckle lightly before replying with a yes. He soon gave me directions to a small little place by the beach, and possible a dog beach so it would be a well spent day.

“Where are you going?” Krissy asked as I tried to slip out of the apartment trying to hide myself from her glare, she wasn’t happy at me for kissing Fronz but Hell shit happens.

“Going to go visit an old friend, don’t wait up!” I called out as fast as I could, before picking Jeffree up and running to the stairs before colliding with some hairy beast and falling on my ass.

“Bloody Hell wat- Sierra?” I looked up and saw Danny; he looked as if he saw a ghost. I groaned rubbing my lower back as I stood up from my stop on the ground, Jeffree whimpering and licking my hand before growling at Danny.

“Hi Danny” I mumbled brushing myself off before patting the small dogs head, he cough awkwardly before rubbing the back of his neck.

“Where are you headin’ too dressed up all nice?”  I smiled at him slightly; I didn’t look that good just a nice t-shirt and shorts with leggings and my black converse of course. It wasn’t much not even that nice, but it was nice enough to be comfortable in and go out in when meeting up with a good friend.

“I’m having lunch with Shayley Bourget this evening” I held my head up high trying to make it look like I wasn’t dying inside from everything going on with James and I.

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