Chapter 3

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Alex POV

I was walking to the table I usually sit at with my lunch. Then I see Jared that stupid dick. "Hello Alex" he said, but right after he said that he tripped me and pushed me to the ground. " HAHAHA YOU FUCKING IDIOT" a guy screams out I got up and ran to get away from these ass holes. I heard some one following me but I just ignored it. "ALEX" it was Calum why is he even following me why does he even care. "ALEX" he screamed. I ignored him again. "ALEX" I got annoyed so I just yelled at him "WHAT DO YOU FUCKING WANT" " I want to help you" he told me why would he want to help me he probably wants something "well you can't so leave me the fuck alone". I turned back around and started walking again. I heard him catching up so I walked faster. He caught up and grabbed my rist. I was scared he was gonna see my cuts. "Why does everyone hate you" he asks why would he want to know that. "Why would I even tell you" I can't tell him plus I thought he knew I guess he didn't but I'm not just gonna tell him. "Well come to my house after school meet my at the front door OK" he said I really didn't want to go I barely knew the guy but I guess I have to. "Fine" I told him. He let go of my rust and he walked away. Why does he care about me so much I don't understand. I was so glad he didn't see any of my cuts. I can't imagine what he would do if he saw them probably tell everyone. The bell rang and I went to the front door. I saw Calum already waiting for me. "Ready to go" he asked I really wasn't I wanted to go home and just listen to music but I have to go to this jerks house. "Yeah I guess". We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. Trying to be nice it isn't working. I got in the car and he got in as well. While we were driving to his house it was really awkward mostly because we didn't talk so I just tried to not make at as awkward. "So why are you even talking to me most people would just be ignoring me they wouldn't even be trying to talk to me" I was very confused and anoyed that he was talking to me I was mostly anoyed because maybe he wanted something from me."Look you seem like a really nice girl and I don't think people see that people should try to at least try and talk to you before they talk shit about you " that was true maybe he was trying to be nice to me. We got to his house it was a really nice house. We walked to his front door and he opened it. We walked in and his mom was sitting there "hi Calum who is this beautiful young lady" she asked his mom seemed really sweet "this is Alex she is my lab partner for biology so were just going to work on some homework". His mom smiled " alright Calum" we walked upstairs to his room. He opened his door to his room and he had posters everywhere like Green day, Sleeping with sirens, Blink 182, and other bands that I loved. "You like Sleeping with sirens" I asked "Yeah do you" "I love them I thought I was the only one" I got a little excited that he like the same bands as me. We sat on his bed I wasn't gonna lie he was cute but he would never date me. "So tell me about yourself" he asked me. I didn't know what to say because I mean I don't even do anything. "Well everyone hates me so I don't have any friends I don't really hang out with anyone and I hate everyone in that school especially Jared Robinson " I mean why not tell the basics. " Why do you hate Jared" he asked I wasn't gonna tell him I'm not gonna why would I even tell him " I can't tell you" he looked confused he didn't understand why I couldn't tell him. "How about this when we become best friends and you are comfortable with me you tell" I really don't want to tell him what if he says something "i don't think so" again he was confused but he acepted it. "Alright".

//// Alex likes to keep everything to herself I swear////

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