Chapter 12

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Alex POV

I was scrolling through twitter that night with Calum until I came across this account that had my name on it. I clicked on it and scrolled through the tweets they were all fake rumors about me. I dropped my phone and I started crying like crazy.

"Babe what's wrong" Calum asked in a worried tone. I couldn't speak, he grabbed my phone but I stopped him "WHY WONT YOU TELL" he yelled.

I turned around and the first thing I saw was my blade. I snatched it off my night stand and started cutting like crazy. "ALEX STOP" Calum yelled he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to see his face full of tears. He grabs my wrists and looks at them in such pain "why are you doing this" he whispered I didn't know what to tell him. "I don't want to be in this world anymore" I said looking down "Alex don't say that you are my everything if you left this world I dont know what I would do". I didn't know why I always thought like this I wish I could just stop but its so hard. I gave Calum the biggest hug in the world "please don't ever leave me" I whispered. " I never said I was gonna leave you I love you to much to leave you, I will never leave you" "promise?"I asked "I promise". He gave me a a light kiss on my lips. He kept looking at my wrist, a tear came down his cheek. He got up from my bed and went into my bathroom. "Calum what are you doing?" I asked. I heard him putting stuff in a plastic bag I wasn't sure what it was. He came out of the bathroom with a bag full of razors and blades. " I still need my razors I have to shave my legs you know". He cracked a smile "well you only get to keep one I don't want you to keep cutting yourself so I'm taking anything that's sharp". It's sweet to see how much Calum cares about me. I probably wouldn't be here if he wasn't here. He kept searching around my room and he found my little bag full of blades. He turned around and looked at me with a shocked face "I'm definitely taking this". When he was done looking around my room he laid next to me and pulled me closer to him. "Can you promise me something?" He asked "what is it" "promise me that you'll stay strong for me". When I heard him say that a tear came streaming down "I promise". A couple minutes later I heard calums little snore he fell asleep hugging me real tight.

I woke up and saw the time OMG CALUMS STILL HERE. I shook his shoulder to wake him "Calum get up".
"What time is it" Calum asked with confusion "8:00 now leave cause my mom is gonna come in at any second". He bounced off of bed and tried to leave as fast as he could he grabbed the bag of razors "can't forget this". He gave me a kiss goodbye "love you" "love you to". Then he left running. I closed my windown as quick as I could. A couple minutes went by and my mother walked into my room "wake up you can't stay in that bed all day". I got up and thank god it was the weekend I didn't want to see anyone from school. Then I remembered about the twitter account I still didn't know who it was. But then I thought maybe I should just ignore and block it I don't need them to bring me down.

Calums POV

When I got home I decided to look at bag of blades Alex had. I opened it up and most of them were covered with dry blood. But then I saw a little note. I opened it up just to see what it was cause I was curious.

I don't really like school I sometimes wish that there would be someone who would care about me. Yesterday my mom asked me how many friends I have I was just quiet. I didn't know what to tell her I have no friends. I also wish I had someone who would love me but no one wants me I'm just dumb stupid and ugly. Why would anyone love me I'm just a big mistake everyone hates me and Jared just had to ruin it all for me. I really don't understand why people hate me. I just wish there was one person just one person that loved me but I don't have anyone.
March 3 2015

I looked at the back of the paper there was some more written but with a different date on it

I always hated Calum I don't know why he never did anything to me . Today he made me feel like I was something like I don't know special he kept telling me I was cute but what is that supposed to mean. But its whatever he will never date me I'm to ugly. But he has been sweet to me its just weird for someone to be nice to me. What am I feeling do I like him. Its not like I would have a chance with him.
September 14 2015

I smiled at myself and started to cry. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I got my phone and texted her

Hey I read what was in your blade pouch thought it was adorable not the front the back you know cause the front part was sad but the back part made me cry I didn't know I made you feel like that.

I wated a couple of minutes *ding* I heard my phone and went running to it

Oh you read it well now you know how I felt I really liked you I didnt think all this would happen.

Well I love you with all my heart and I won't stop loving you, you are beautiful Alex and you always make my day and I liked you a lot since the first day I met you I had a little feeling inside and I wasn't sure what it was but now I know its that I liked you and I wanted to be with you and my wish came true.

Thanks for being there for me.

Your welcome maybe we can go to are spot later today

Pick me up at 3:00?

Of course love you

Love you to

Oh god I have to get ready

\\\ sorry I haven't published anything I have been really busy and my phone got taken away but I'm back now and I'll try my best to publish a chapter everyday\\\\\

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