Chapter 1

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You wake up and you are in one of your classrooms at school and you are wearing this. You had your book bag so you grab it and walk out of the classroom and everything has changed. You stop and just stare. The hallway lights were out and some of them are flickering. Everything looks deserted and there isn't anyone anywhere. Where did everyone go?? It looked like no one had been here for years.

You start freaking out and you run down the hallway looking in all the classrooms and there was no one to be seen. You run through the school until you get to the front doors. You run into them expecting them to fly open when you push them but they don’t. They are locked.

“Are you serious!” you say as you drop your book bag and start looking around. What were you supposed to do now??

The doors were partly glass so all you needed to do was find something that would break it. You start walking until you come across a brick. You grab it and run back to the doors.

“Okay one…two….three” you say and then you throw the brick as hard as you could and it hits the door and makes a crack but it doesn’t break.
“Shit” you say as you grab the brick again.

“Please work this time” you say as you throw it once more and this time it does the trick. The glass breaks and you smile and grab your book bag and climb out through the broken door. When you get outside what you see makes your mouth drop open. There were wrecked cars all along the road. There was trash everywhere and you didn’t see a living soul. You knew what you would do; you just needed to call your mum.

You reach into your bag and grab your phone. You try and call your mum but you don’t have any signal or anything, it wouldn't work. You sigh and throw your phone on the ground. It was useless anyways. You start walking down the sidewalk. You were going to go to your house which was only a few blocks away. Everything looked dead and you were frightened.

You have been walking for a couple of minutes when you see a group of what looked like people walking towards you. They were a ways away but you didn’t care because you had finally found help. You start running towards them smiling like an idiot.

“Hey!! I need help! Do you know what’s going on?” you shout as you get closer to them. Then you stop and you heart stops for a second. They weren’t moving like normal people. Some of them were dragging their legs behind them.

“What in the world?” you say as you squint to see them better. That’s when you hear it. Terror goes through your body when you start to hear the moans.

“No.” you say as you start to stumble back.
“That’s not possible. Zombies aren’t real!” you say as you start crying from fear and that’s when the zombies notice you. Their moans grow louder and they start moving faster towards you. You start running away and you start screaming for help. You were so scared. You were going to die. You keep running for a couple of blocks and the zombies don’t stop chasing you. They weren’t very far behind you and you were getting tired. You decide to scream for help one last time.

That’s when you hear screeching of tires. You turn around to see a red mustang speeding down the road towards you. You start waving your hands but you don’t stop running because the zombies weren’t very far behind you.

“Hey!! Help me!” you shout. And then you notice that whoever was driving it was headed straight for you.

“No!” you shout as you squeeze your eyes. This was going to hurt. Then you hear something being hit and you open your eyes to see that they had run over the group of zombies that were chasing you. You let out a sigh of relief. Then the driver’s side door opens and that’s when you see who was driving.

It was a guy and he had sunglasses on so you couldn’t exactly tell who he was. He had cute soft brown hair and it was messy. He was wearing red skinny jeans and a white and black striped shirt. Then you realize that he is holding a gun. He walks around the car to you and you are a little afraid. He takes off his sunglasses to reveal pretty blue eyes. You instantly recognize him. It was Louis Tomlinson.

“Oh my god you’re Louis Tomlinson!” you say as you smile really big.

“Yea yea, you should really get in the car” he says as he looks around and then he points the gun at something and shoots it. You cover your ears and then you turn around to see that he had shot a zombie. And there were plenty more of them coming your way.

“Did you not hear me” he says as he walks over to the driver’s side and gets in. The passenger side window rolls down to reveal Louis looking at you over his sunglasses.
“You can either get in or be eaten by all those zombies” he says as he points at them with his eyes.

“I think I’ll get in” you say as you open the car door and get in.

“Good choice” he says as he starts backing up as you shut your door. Then he speeds off down the road avoiding wrecked cars and debris.

THE END OF THE WORLD [A Louis Tomlinson Love Story]**COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now