Chapter 12

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You slowly open your eyes to see light streaming into your room. Was it already morning?? You felt like you had only been asleep for a couple of hours. You rub your eyes as you sit up, and then you realize that Harry is gone. The other side of your bed was made up as if no one ever slept there. You get out of bed and walk into the bathroom to splash cold water on your face.

Then you suddenly remember everything that happened yesterday and you run through your room and to the door. You throw it open and run down the hall and down the stairs. When you get to the bottom you look around, everything is silent like nobody is up. Then you hear a clang come from in the kitchen. You hurry in there to see Harry doing the dishes. He was still in his boxers.

You frown. Where is Louis? That’s all you cared about right now. You look at Harry’s face closer and he is crying.

“Why are you crying?” you ask breaking the silence. He jumps and turns to you.

“You scared me to death!” he says as he looks at you with wide eyes.

“Sorry” you say as you walk over to where he was.

“It’s OK” he says as he goes back to washing the dishes.

“You never answered my question” you say as you look at him and tap your foot. He just looks at you and his lip starts trembling.

“It’s Louis…..” he says and he starts crying. Your heart stops and a terrible feeling goes through your body. “I’m just so worried about him” he says as he sobs. Your body relaxes and you let out a deep breath.

“God you scared me there for a minute” you say as you put your hand over your heart.

“Why?” he asks a little confused.

“Because I thought…..I thought that you were going to say that Louis was….” you say and you don’t finish your sentence as you look at him. He just looks at you for a couple of seconds and then he gets what you’re talking about.

“Oh! No!! That’s not what I was talking about. God that would be awful” he says as he leans against the counter.

“Yea it would” you say and you can feel the sting of tears in your eyes. “So where is everybody?” you ask him and you wipe your eyes. Before he could answer you somebody else says something.

“Morning” you hear a deep unfamiliar voice say from behind. You jump and so does Harry. You spin around to see the same guy that was here last night and his hair was all messy. You both just stare at him.

“I don’t think I’ve formally introduced myself” he says as he walks up to you and Harry. “I’m Sam” he says as he puts his hand out to you. You slowly shake and then he does the same to Harry.

“You’re probably wondering where that young chap that I accidentally shot, which I’m so very sorry about, last night is at hmm?” he asks as he looks from you to Harry.

“Yes please tell me!” you say frantically as you look at him.

“Well I guess I should give you an update on everything that happened yes?” he says as he sits down in one of the chairs at the table. You and Harry both take a seat too.

“OK where should I begin…ah yes! As you know I accidentally shot your friend, Louis is it??”

“Yes” Harry says with a little bit of a tone. You look over at him and slap his shoulder.

“What?!” he says as he looks at you.

“Be nice” you say as you turn back to Sam.

“As I was saying, when we got him here I was going to have to take out the bullet or else the wound would have got infected, and in case you don’t already know, I went to school for three years to be a doctor so I knew what I was doing” he says.

THE END OF THE WORLD [A Louis Tomlinson Love Story]**COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now