Chapter 8

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You walk to the stairs and Louis is coming up them. You smile and then it fades away because you think of what you had just done. You wanted to tell him because you didn’t want to keep things from him, but you knew he was going to be mad at you. When he sees you his face lights up and when he sees that you’re only wearing a bikini it lights up even more.

“Hey love” he says as he smiles and stops in front of you. He embraces you and you wrap your arms around him. When he pulls away you look at this face. He looked so happy, and you were about to make that go away.

“So how was the patrol with Liam?” you ask him as you look at the ground.

“It was OK I guess” he says as he laughs a little. “I missed you though” he says as he grabs your waist and gently pulls you to him. “By the way, you never told me how the training with Zayn went” he says as he grins.

“Oh, it was OK. I talked to him a little while ago about us not liking each other and we settled everything. We’re friends now, so it should go better tomorrow” you say as you look up at him.

“Well that’s good” he says as he kisses you on your cheek. “I’m going to take a quick shower. I’ll see you when I get out” he says as he lets you go and then starts walking towards his bedroom. You hesitate on whether or not to tell him then you decide.

“Louis, wait” you say and he stops and turns around to look at you. He smiles.

“Yes love?” he asks.

“I-I need to tell you something” you say as you look up at him. His face changes to confusion.

“I…” you say and then you gulp. “I was with Harry” you say as you frown.

“What do you mean?” he asks as he looks at you with all seriousness. You feel like you might start crying. You tell him everything that happened from when you got in the pool to when you left Harry’s room.

You look at him and his mouth is in a tight line and his eyes looked stone cold as he stared at you. You could see anger written all over his face. He starts backing away from you and he is shaking his head.

“Louis I’m so sorry” you say as a tear falls down your cheek and you try and get him to stop.

“No get away from me” he says as he pushes you away from him and looks at you as if you were some pest that disgusted him. He turns around and walks to his room and goes in slamming the door behind him. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Like someone was squeezing your lungs and you would run out of air at any moment. You lean up against the wall and you realize that you had started crying really hard. Your heart hurt.

You run all the way to your room and shut the door behind you. You look on your bed to see your clothes that you were wearing the day Louis had found you folded neatly. You grab them and then go into the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror. You yank the hair bow out of your hair and it falls down in tangles. Your eyes are red from crying. You take off Danielle’s bathing suit and throw it on the ground as you step into the shower. You turn the hot water on all the way and it scorched you back. You turn on the cold water a little and then you just sit down in the tub and cry. Now Louis was mad at you and that hurt you so much. You don’t know how long you sit there but once you can’t cry anymore you get up and wash your body and hair.

You get out and dry off and then put on your clothes. You felt like crap and you just wanted to lie down. You walk out of the bathroom and over to your bed. You lie down and start crying again even though no tears came out. You hear a knock on your door and you don’t bother to move.

“(Y/N)? Dinner is ready, are you going to come down?” you hear Niall say. You turn over and look at the door as he opens it. He takes one glance at you and he can tell that something is wrong.

“(Y/N)! What’s wrong??” he asks as he hurries over to you. You don’t say anything. You just let him embrace you.

“I did something awful” you say as you sob into his chest.

“What love?” he asks as he looks at you with concern as he brushes your hair away from your face. You tell him everything and when you get done he is looking at you with sympathy. He just holds you tighter.

“Here” he says as he moves into a laying position. You lay down with him and rest your head on his chest.

“I’m here for you, everything is going to be OK I promise” he says as he smiles at you.

“Thanks Niall you’re the best” you say as you calm down a little. Being with Niall made all your guilty thoughts go away because he had this brotherly vibe towards you. That’s what you loved about him. You both just lay there in silence as he plays with your hair softly. Then you hear your door open.

“(Y/N) I-“ you hear Louis say and you look up at him. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees Niall holding you. He just stares at you,

“I didn’t know I was interrupting something” he says and you can hear the acid roll off his tongue. He slams the door and you look up at Niall and he was just as shocked as you were.

“I’ll go talk to him” he says as he gets off of your bed.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” you ask him as he opens your door.

“Yea, I need to make sure he knows that we weren’t doing anything” he says and then he walks out.

You knew Louis probably thought pretty badly of you right now. He probably thought you were trying to get with Niall too. You just hoped that Niall would be able to straighten it out with him. You decide to go to sleep because you were supposed to be training some more with Zayn all day tomorrow.

~Harry’s P.O.V.~

I just stood there and stared at my now closed door where (Y/N) stood moments ago. What she had said to me before she walked out really hurt. Did she really think that all I want from her is sex?

I know I come off as that type of guy because of my rep, but that was not the case at all. I act like I don’t care about anything on the outside, but in reality I care a lot. I care about (Y/N) a lot. I know it’s only been a couple of days since I met her but still.

She probably thinks I’m a total duchebag.

I walk over to my bed and just sit down. I’ve never been too good at showing my feelings in the right way. I always come across as that guy that sleeps with a bunch of girls and doesn’t even care, but I do.

Yes, I’ll admit that I do have a big ego and I may be a little over confident, but I have a right to be right? I mean look at me. I’m pretty darn good looking. And every time (Y/N) rejects me it hurts my ego a little but what she just said to me hurt it A LOT.

I don’t want her to think of me in that way. I guess I’ll just have to let my walls down and show her the real Harry Styles. Even if she rejects me again, it would still have been worth a try. I’m going to back off for a little while though so I can observe her from a safe distance and learn some stuff about her.

I just sit on my bed as I stare at nothing. I had an unknown feeling inside me right now and I couldn't figure out what it is. Could it be love? I think to myself. I laugh,

“No way” I say  out loud as I get up and walk into my bathroom.

THE END OF THE WORLD [A Louis Tomlinson Love Story]**COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now