Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


“You want me to just... throw them?” Jessica questioned, fondling the plastic darts in her hands.

“Anywhere you want to go, aim for it. May it be back to Oregon, or all the way to fucking Tokyo. As long as it makes you happy and you’re with me, I’m perfectly fine with it.” I told her reassuringly. “Unless it’s like, obscure and full of wars and shit. That might not be wise.”

Jessica laughed, squeezing her eyes shut. “I’ll be sure to aim for non-third world countries.” She nodded, still slightly chuckling.

“That’d be a good idea.” I said, joining her fit of laughter.

Jessica’s laugh was the most contagious things ever. Her beautiful smile stretched across her face, the soft yet loud laughter lightly echoing in my bedroom. I loved her laugh. The mere knowledge of temporary happiness within Jessica brought me pleasure.

“Should I close my eyes or...?” I shrugged.

“Whatever makes you happy, babe.” She blushed, smiling. Jessica made it easy for me to notice when she was embarrassed. Her eyes slightly crinkled in the corners, as if she was smiling from her eyes instead of her lips. A light tinge of pink would spread across her delicate ears, rather than her cheeks, the blood rush becoming more evident as she smiled.

Jessica steadied her hand, clearly attempting to concentrate on where she wanted the dart to go. When Jessica threw the dart, the first one stuck clearly above Oregon, into northern Washington. She steadied her arm again, then impaled right off the coast of Japan. Jessica hand shook as she steadied her last dart. I watched as she closed her eyes, keeping them closed as the dart was released from her hand, landing somewhere in the UK.

Walking up behind Jessica, I removed the first dart she threw, it landing right next to a town called Birch Bay in Whatcom county, Washington. I informed Jessica of where her first dart had landed, and she remained silent, watching as I removed the second dart which landed off the coast of Japan.

“Were you aiming for Tokyo?” I asked grinning. Jessica’s ears turned red as she nodded. Removing the final dart, I saw that it had landed in a small interval of water near where London was starred. “The last one is off the coast of London.”

Jessica’s head snapped up. “London? I’ve always wanted to go there!” I mimicked her wide grin. Jessica merely nodded, then embraced me in a tight embrace.

“Then that’s where we’ll be in ten months.” I smiled to myself, moving my head farther into the space between her neck and shoulder. Jessica giggled. I ran my fingers up and down Jessica’s neck, tickling it softly. Jessica squirmed and jumped from my arms, still giggling.

“That felt so weird! I felt like bugs were crawling on me!” Jessica exclaimed, rubbing the back of her neck. Smirking, I walked up to Jessica and grabbed her frail neck in my hands, running my fingers down them rapidly. Jessica squealed and squirmed, trying to get out of my grasp on her.

Laughing, I released Jessica from my grasp. She immediately put her hand back to her neck, rubbing it rapidly. “Did it really feel that bad?” Jessica laughed shaking her head. “Do it to me, I want to see how it feels.” I told her. Jessica came up to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, placing her long nimble fingers along the back of my neck. She moved her fingers up and down the back of my neck, looking me dead in the eye. If felt as if though Jessica’s fingers weren’t even fully connecting with my skin, yet hovering, the warmth from her fingers spreading. The hairs on my neck stood up, and I got goosebumps all along my arms and legs.

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