Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Doing my best to open and close the metal door without making a sound was actually quite difficult. Talking to Jessica was my main priority right now, whether or not she knew I was here before she saw me wasn’t that big of a concern today.

Walking towards the back of the lockers, I saw Jessica sitting against the corner of the lockers, and the stone wall. “Jessica.” I said breathlessly.

“Jeffrey look, I’m sorry about Michael interrupting us. He’s been bothering me a bit too lately.” Jessica sighed, banging her head slightly against the cemented brick walls.

Sitting down next to Jessica, I sighed. “It’s not just Michael. It’s what you said to him.” I continued now looking at her. “You said that you’d be careful around me? Do you really think I’m dangerous because I have one tattoo and a few piercings?” I asked, my voice getting louder and more powerful by the word.

“Of course not Jeffrey, those are some of my favorite things about you. You aren’t afraid of expressing yourself. I love that.” Jessica said. “I’m sorry I didn’t argue, it just seemed a bit pointless to me. Arguing with Michael is like arguing with a wooden post.”

“What about us rumoured of kissing in your driveway?” I questioned. “You didn’t say anything about that. Are you ashamed of me?”

“Jeffrey! Enough of this nonsense!” Jessica said. “Of course I’m not ashamed of you!”

“Then why didn’t you tell him?” I shouted, standing up.

“Because I didn’t! Michael doesn’t have to know about everything about my relationship with you!” She yelled back at me. “I don’t even understand why you’d want him to!”

“I don’t either! I just don’t feel like we should have to keep this a secret to people! It’s so frustrating that you seem like you don’t want people to know!” Our voices progressively got louder and louder.

“Wait, are you jealous of Michael?” Jessica questioned, her voice lowering. Remaining silent, she raised her eyebrows. “You are, aren’t you?” Jessica pestered further. She came up to me, tilting my head away from the ground to look in her eyes. “Jeffrey, Michael is so not a threat to us you know that right? You and only you. Remember that, please.” She said, standing on her tiptoes before lightly pecking my nose.

“Jessica I get that but everything is just so complicated. I couldn't handle it if I lost you.” I explained before wrapping her up in a tight embrace.

“I just think it would be better if we kept this a secret. Do you know how bad it will be if we both get harassed daily? We won’t be able to deal. I think it’s for the best. I’m sorry.” Jessica said. She gave a sad smile and a soft kiss before walking out of the locker room.

As the metal door shut, I crumpled to the ground. After banging my head against the wall a few times, I heard the loud sound of someone pulling back a shower curtain. I hadn’t even noticed that water was running until it wasn’t anymore. Sitting more properly, I peeked my head around the wall of lockers next to me. Turning back, I came face to face with a shocked looking Arabella.

“Jeffrey! What are you doing in the girls locker room?!” Arabella shrieked, being wrapped in only a towel. I noticed that one her shoulders were a pair of headphones, meaning she hadn’t heard the argument between Jessica and I.

“Arabella, I’m sorry! I’m just going to go now. Um, see you in algebra?” I questioned awkwardly, standing up. Arabella just pointed to the direction of the door. Nodding, I sprinted to the door, quickly exiting it and joining the large amount of students that were bustling about in the halls.

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