Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Pulling into Jessica’s driveway, I saw her perched on the side side of house. She had a grey hoodie covering her head. Strands of blonde hair stuck out of the hood, allowing part of her left cheek to be seen. When she noticed me, she rose from where she was sitting, pulling the earbuds from her ears, and shoving them in her back pocket.

Jessica’s smile stretched from eye to eye, teeth showing. She was beautiful, not like those girl in magazines. She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful, for the sparkle in her eyes when she was talking about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability of making people smile even when she was sad. No, she was still beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, for the way her eyes showed her deep down into her soul.

“Hey Jeffrey.” Jessica said, tucking a piece of hair behind. I merely smiled, handing her the black helmet. She took it willingly, strapping it underneath her chin. I kicked up the peg, moving my hand back and forth on the handle, giving it gas. We started down the road, arriving at school about five minute later.

Jessica and I walked to our lockers together, getting our necessities, and parting down the hallway. Walking into my first period History with Mr. Sanders. Sighing, I sat back into the back table, alone.

Mr. Sander’s walked into the room, a girl at his side. “Class I’d like you to welcome Georgetown High’s newest student, Arabella Pan.” Arabella was tall, and limber. Her straight, dark brown hair went down to her armpits. Her skin was tannish, her face narrow. Arabella was attractive, but I wasn’t attracted to her in any way. “Arabella you can go sit in the back with Jeffrey. Jeffrey, please raise your hand for Arabella.” Everyone turned around, looking at me.

I raised my hand, and Arabella started walking towards my table. She slung her bag around the back of the blue plastic chair, placing a binder and a notebook on the desktop. “Arabella, why did you-”

“Ara. Please, call me Ara.” She interrupted me.

“I’m good. I prefer calling people by what they truly are.” I explained. “As I was saying, why did you come to school here when we only have three weeks left?”

“My parents thought it would be good for me to get a feel for the school before I came here for senior year.” She said.

“Ms. Pan.” Mr. Sanders said, silencing the class. “I hope you won’t become a distraction for Mr. Cameron, will you?”

“No sir. I apologize for my interruption.” Mr. Sanders rose his head, before nodding in response, continuing with his lesson.

Harrison, one of the many jock boy in our class, turned around and faced me. “So, Jeffrey. Heard that you hooked up with Jessica. How cute, a little emo couple.” He said turning back and high-fiving Jonathan, another jock.

“I didn’t ‘hook up’ with anyone, you arrogant dickheads. Jessica and I are just friends. So, I suggest pulling your heads out of your asses and learn that not all guys are in it for sex.” I told them, leaning forward.

Harrison merely scoffed, turning back towards the front of the classroom. “Who is Jessica?” Arabella questioned.

“She’s a close friend.”  I told her, keeping my head forward.

“If she’s just a friend, then why do they think that you guys hooked up?” Arabella asked.

“I have not a fucking clue what runs through their heads nor do I wish to. Jessica and I are just very close, end of story.” But that wasn’t the end of the story.

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