Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Smiling, I walked into the high school, Michael next to me. Summer wasn’t as hectic as I had earlier assumed. Michael and I spent a lot of time together, going out for movies and sometimes lunch. We even took a three hour drive all the way down to Virginia Beach just to hang out there and swim.

Michael and I parted, each heading to our separate lockers. Walking to my locker, I saw Jeffrey kneeling down, organizing his books. He had told me before he left for Maine that he would come straight to my place to see me when they got back, but I never saw him. Tapping his shoulder, he turned and looked up at me, then stood, his blue eyes not moving even though his whole body was changing proportion.

“Jeffrey I missed you!” I told him giving him a hug. Jeffrey just stood there, looking at me mutely. “So how was Maine?” I asked, pushing back his lack of response. Jeffrey blinked, still being provokingly silent. What was his deal? “Um, so what’s your schedule, maybe we’ll have some classes together this year!”

“Why don’t you compare schedules with Michael? Or did you already do that?” Jeffrey said, coming so close to my face that my breath He rolled his eyes, slamming his locker shut so hard people ceased conversation just to look at him, before turning and walking down a flight of stairs. Following him, I noticed he was just walking down to the basement, where no one ever goes unless you have so sort of strange fantasie of screwing someone during school hours. That happened to me on my first day where some witchy girl gave me incorrect directions on purpose. That was also the first, and last time I had ever been down here until now.

Jeffrey kept walking through the basements halls, several old classrooms now filled with varied storage. Speed walking in black heels, I grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to look at me.

“What the fuck was that!” I screamed at him. He came close to me, and I pressed myself against the wall eventually from stepping back with each step he took forward.

“What the fuck is this!” He screamed back at me, moving his hand up and down, indicating my outfit. “A pink floral dress and a white sweater over? That isn’t you Jessica! What happened to red skinny jeans with band t-shirts and leather! What happened to that girl!”

“People change Jeffrey! I don’t dress a certain way to impress you! My body, not yours!” I told him, yelling.

“But you didn’t change Jessica! I know deep down you hate this! It isn’t you.” He told me, lowering his voice, looking away from me.

“Okay, it isn’t me. What’s your point though?” I asked, walking to stand in front of me.

“Then why the hell are you wearing it?” He said, sounding painfully confused. Looking at my feet, Jeffrey was silent, then he suddenly scoffed. “It’s because of Michael, isn’t it? He probably took you shopping, right?” Jeffrey said putting his face right under mine which was still faced towards the ground.

I looked up, and stared at Jeffrey. “Does it matter? I’m wearing it and that’s that!” He didn’t look slightly taken aback, he just stood there smugly, not moving at all.

“Okay.” Jeffrey shrugged. “Just don’t lose yourself while trying to be something that you're not. It’s a bad habit of mine.” Jeffrey kissed my cheek and turned, walking down the hallway of the basement. He spun around walking backwards before saying, “Tell your boyfriend I said hi!” Then jogging back to his class just as the bell rung.

Boyfriend? Who would my boyfriend even be? Michael? Then I understood it, why he was mad about the dress and the shoes and how Michael brought me shopping and chose out my outfit this morning while I was planning on wearing my normal setup of leather on black. Shaking my head, I bent down removing the black heels and running after Jeffrey who had already walked upstairs. Once I stood on top of the stairwell, I saw no sign of Jeffrey’s head of dark brown, almost black hair looming.

Michael however stood to my left, talking to a few other of his friends. Walking up to Michael, my face must’ve showed how pissed I was because all those boys that had previously surrounded him fled.

Michael turned and saw me coming towards him, and smiled his toothy white smile. “Hey Jessica, how are you?” Pushing him, his back was slammed against the wall of lockers. He looked very put upon and confused. “What the hell?” He squeaked, his eyes wide.

“Why would you tell people that, you jackass!” I said, pushing his chest again to make his back hit the lockers again.

“Tell who, what?” Michael shouted back, still looking confused.

“You know exactly what I mean! You told people that you were my boyfriend! What the fuck?” I yelled, getting angrier by the minute. He messed everything up between Jeffrey and I.

“What are you talking about! I never told anyone I was your boyfriend!” What did he mean?

“But, Jeff- um a person told me that they were told you were my boyfriend.” I said, now confused. Backing away from Michael, I apologized for slamming him against the lockers.

“It’s okay, but I promise I didn’t tell anyone that. Maybe Maria did? I don’t know who would do that anyway though. Maybe said a person misunderstood something?” Michael suggested. It seemed a bit doubtful though, I hadn’t talked to Maria all summer or a few weeks before that even.

“I have to go, sorry.” Walking away, I pulled out my schedule. First period with Mr. Carver, physics. Jogging, I went into classroom, just to see a jumble of students sitting on desks, just socializing. Looking throughout the classroom, I saw Jeffrey sitting by himself, with a pair of headphones wrapped around his neck,  in the front slouched down in his chair which was at the end of the row of desks.

Walking up to him, I pulled out the blue plastic chair. Jeffrey looked at me, rolling his eyes and looking away. He pulled his headphones from his neck, to cover his ears. Grabbing one of the speakers and slapping it backwards so it hit him in the side of the face.

“Jessica, look. I get that you’d rather be with Michael. Whatever. Screw London. I’ll go by myself it’s literally not a big deal.” Jeffrey explained. I just wanted to scream at him.

“Michael and I were never together! I still want to go to London and be with you! But clearly it’s not a big deal to you so your right. Screw it.” I said, slouching back in the chair, just playing with my fingers. Jeffrey put his hand on my knee, and just kind of rubbed it. “Who told you Michael and I were ever together in the first place?” I said curiously.

“Your father. Who looks nothing like I imagined.” Jeffrey explained.

“When did you talk to my father?” I asked baffled. Jeffrey told me about how he came to my house when he got back from Maine and saw my father.

Everything seemed to be falling back into place with Jeffrey and I. We sorted out the Michael mess, and discussed about how he would visit my house after school so we could talk more in detail about going to London.

Mr. Carver entered the classroom, nearly twenty minutes of his class time spent waiting for him to arrive. He seemed very disorganized, black framed glasses on the tip of his nose, rather than the contacts he wore daily. He called over one of his kiss-ass female students and requested her to pass out our senior year rubrics, to which she complied.

And my senior year begins.


So I guess this is chapter 15?


Okay so if you're interested in the updates of this book, pay attention I guess.

Because my school started today, I have to cut back on updates. I’m sorry but my parents flipped out on me for not doing especially well in my classes last year, so I seriously have to crack down on getting my grades up. Meaning, that from now on updates will be every other Wednesday, or whenever the next one is done. I’ll do my best to get the every other Wednesdays going, but I’m not sure.

Thank you guysssss.


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