The great outdoors

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Dan's POV // Feet don't fail me now...

It was two days ago that my dad decided it was time for our family to move to the countryside.

He said that we needed time in the 'great outdoors' to relax.

I did not agree with this idea. At all.

So, moving to the country wasn't the greatest thing that could happen, but I guess some good will come out of it. I hope some good will come out of it.

I've been looking out the window for hours watching all the green hillsides and rivers and lakes and cows drift by. It's funny, there's something about looking out a window and listening to music that makes you feel like you're in a movie, like your life is more important. I love that feeling.

My parents chat about the weather and how the guy in the Toyota in front of us can't drive and other stuff like that.

I don't even know what our new house will look like. What if it has a cockroach infestation? What if there's a massive spider on the toilet seat and I accidentally-

"We're almost there, guys!" My dad says as he takes a right turn down a dirt road.

"Finally!" My mum says. "I really thought we got lost back there when we took that wrong turn-"

"Nonsense!" My dad interrupts "It was just a shortcut!" My mum laughs and I roll my eyes. Something's telling me this is just a little too spontaneous for my taste. I mean, I want to know what my room looks like before I move into it. How else am I supposed to work out where I put all my stuff? What if it doesn't have a window? What if it has a massive swarm of moths-

"We're here!" My dad says, breaking my train of thought and pulling up at a little house.

Definitely too spontaneous

I open the car door immediately and rush up to the front door of the house.

I try to open it, but it's locked. I guess that's a good thing. I reach down and lift up the doormat with "BLESS THIS HOUSE" printed on it in big gold letters, underneath it is a small silver key. I pick it up and it fits neatly into the lock, though I have trouble turning the handle cause it's really stiff and rusty.

I gaze down the dark hallway and feel for a light switch on the wall. I find it and suddenly a bright cream coloured light pours through the passage.

On the floor is a long carpet that stretches the length of the hall, it's dark green velvet and feels soft under my black sneakers. It's pretty clean too, which is surprising considering the amount of cobwebs in the crystal chandelier above me.

"What do you think?" I feel my mum's hand on my shoulder.

"It's nice." I say. And I mean it. I've always wanted to live in a place like this.

While my mum and dad carry boxes from the car onto the porch, I make my way down the hall and into the living room which is connected to the kitchen. It all has a nice country feel, different to the hallway with its chandeliers and green velvet. The kitchen has yellow walls and light timber cupboards. The living room has a cozy fireplace and a dark green sofa that matches the carpet in the hall. I leave that section of the house and run up the wooden staircase to my room. I push open the door and fall instantly in love.

It's perfect. There's a four poster bed in the middle of the room with a big window on the wall next to it, a dark timber closet in the corner and a door that leads into a sweet little bathroom all to myself. The walls are yellow like the kitchen and there's a shower in the corner.

I take back what I said. I think I'm gonna love this place.

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