Finders Keepers

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Finders keepers will you keep me in mind

I like secrets cause they keep me in line

Old habits die hard

but I am too young to die.

Finders keepers the whole thing is a lie

You won't find her cause she's too hard to find

Take my advice and boy run a mile.

"Finders Keepers" - You Me At Six


I was smushed between Matt and the truck door.

No let me correct that statement.

I'm smushed between hyper Matt and the truck door.

Why is Matt hyper?


Dylan. Is. Weak.

And he's created a terrible car ride.

After we left Lily's (the ice cream shop) Matt wouldn't stop laughing or moving.

He was crazy. Totally hyper. It was adorable. Yet annoying at the same time.

To make it worse the girl Matt had talked to about the party gig, had decided to make the party today.

So we all had to gather our equipment and get dressed into show clothes and get on the road. ASAP.

Matt had asked for some help packing his equipment and before I could open my mouth Dylan had volunteered to help.

An hour later the twins and I were dressed and ready with our equipment, waiting in the front yard for the other two to arrive back.

Dylan got out of the truck and wouldn't meet our eyes.

And then Matty leaped from the car.


He leaped.

"You hoo!! Dylan Wylan got me snacks!! Isn't he nice!?" Matty exclaimed.

His voice rather loud, apparently forgetting we were two feet away.

One by one we each turned to Dylan. Our eyes blazing with annoyance and accusation.

I took a slow deep breath.

"How much?"

Matt started to giggle

Dylan exhaled "A large cherry slurpie, two bags of M&M's, and four large pixey sticks........" His voice trailed off

Andy's eyes bulged

"Are you crazy?! We have a gig! He's either going to be too hyper to play or he'll have his sugar crash on stage! Not only that! It's Matt are you crazy?"

Those three words..... Are you crazy seemed worth the repeat

Mac whistled slowly through his teeth and shook his head as he stared at Matt.

Who was now sitting on top of the truck criss cross apple sauce with his hands folded on top of each other. His eyes were closed and he kept bobbing his head up and down like Jeannie from I dream of Jeannie (the 60's tv show).

"Oh God." I breathed.

Why did Dylan give him more sugar? He'd just ate ice cream!

I know why. He would do anything for Matty. That's why they would be such a cute couple. Mild mannered Dylan and Hyper active Matthew.

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