*chapter 2*

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Chapter Two

“James. What are you doing here.” Beverly began to talk fast and rub her pompoms together. What she did when she got nervous.

“Bev?” Felicia asked.

“Water break!” Hayley called out quickly.

“But we don’t have water breaks.” Joelle snickered.

“Yeah. Who’s that? Beverly’s boyfriend?” Joslyn sneered.

“Oh shut it you two. Or I’ll shut it for you.” Hayley leaned close to Joey and Josie as they passed her to get to the girls lockeroom.

“But we JUST got to practice! No one needs a water break yet.” Clementine said quietly as she passed Beverly and this James guy staring at each other. Hayley watched everyone til there were all into the lockeroom. She could see Joey and Josie peaking out from the side of the door. She raised one eyebrow at them and then reluctently shut the door. Then Hayley went to Aubree’s side.

“Aubs.” She whispered, grabbing her sisters arm.

“Shh.” Aubree hissed at her younger sister.

“Aubree, who’s that?” Hayley whispered.

“I said shhh!” Aubree glared at her sister and pulled her arm away.

“Bev. You wanna be alone?”

“No. Stay.” Beverly’s hands were shaking as she dropped them to her sides. Aubree shifted from foot to foot.

“Beverly McClain. Its so good to see you again.” James Olivers’ voice was deeper than Aubree and Beverly remembered and his hair was longer, not the buzz-cut they remembered him having. His piercing green eyes were part of the reason Beverly had fallen in love with James in the first place. Also. He was perfect.

“Hi James.” Beverly’s voice cracked and she couldn’t hold back any longer. A tear fell down her cheek and she rushed into James’ arms, dropping her pompoms.

“James. I’ve missed you. I thought I was never going to see you again!” Beverly sounded teary and her voice shook.

“Well here I am.” James was smiling as he held Beverly tight.

Aubree and Hayley stood about three feet away, not quite knowing what to do.

“Oh James.” Beverly pulled away, wiping away her tears quickly, she didn’t want to admit that they were ever there. Beverly couldn’t even describe her feelings at this moment even if she wanted to. She was so happy and extremely grateful that James was here now. That only summed it up in a small amount.

“Uhmm. Aubs? Go get the girls.” Beverly turned to Aubree, she could barely keep her grin from appearing on her face. But she was glowing inside. Hayley could see a smile pulling at her lips. When Beverly turned back to James, it popped out.

“Oh James.” Beverly quickly hugged him again. She couldn’t keep herself from not hugging him again. Aubree was halfway across the field when she stopped and decided she didn’t want to walk the whole way. “Joslyn! Joelle! Felicia! Clem! Everyone! C’mon! Its time to do what!?” Her last sentace rang out louder than the rest. The girls came bumbling out of the lockeroom like bees who had just spotted a giant patch of beautiful flowers.

“C-H-E-E-R GOOOOOOO COUGARS!!” The girls screamed, clashing their pompoms together. Beverly took James’ hand and led him over to the bleachers, where they sat on the first row, so Beverly could still keep an eye on her girls and also talk to James.

Aubree knew that Beverly had to talk to James, they had a lot of catching up to do.


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