*chapter 6*

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Chapter Six

“Oh my god!” Aubree squealed.

“I know right! I mean; I kind of couldn’t believe it happened.” Beverly was trying to talk in a hushed tone. She was supposed to be getting ready for bed; and she didn’t want James to hear that she was talking about their little bathroom incident to Aubree.

“Do you think you guys are going to get back together?” Aubree asked eagerly. Even though sometimes James bugged Aubree and he didn’t always do the wrong thing, Aubree pretty much had thought that they were good together, if you eliminated the numerous times that Aubree and Georgia had encouraged Beverly to break up with James in junior high, even though she never did, it sometimes gave Beverly the impression that Aubree didn’t like James. Even though, at about the same time James found out that Beverly liked him and Beverly found out James liked her, a week or so before he asked her out, they also discovered that Aubree had had a bit of a crush on James. But then, Aubree had stopped liking James, and instead, developed a little bit of a crush on James’ best friend Jackson, but Georgia and Jackson liked each other and had had a thing going on, they went out for a while, and when Jackson broke up with Georgia, Georgia had begun to hate Jackson. Jackson didn’t like Aubree.

“Do you think you wanna get back with James?” Aubree asked.

“Uhmm. I’m not sure. When we dated that was…a while ago…I’m sure he’s moved on.” Beverly looked down and thought to herself

Did she want to get back with James? Breaking up for them wasn’t really a choice; they were going to different schools. If they could, would they have stayed together? Did he want to get back with her? I mean, barging in on her when she’s in the shower should say something about how he feels right?

“Hello? Beverly?”

“Oh right. Sorry. I was thinking.”

“’Bout James?”

“Yeah.” Beverly decided that she wanted to talk to Vivienne. Aubree wasn’t really the person to talk to about this.

“Hey Aubs. I must go. I’m really tired and I need to think about what to do with Joey and Josie. They are just getting worse with their behavior. Maybe a ban from the team for a couple weeks or something.”

“But Joelle is our choreographer! We can’t get rid of her! We need her!”

“Yeah. Well, I have to think about it. I’ll text you okay?”

“Okay. Bye.”

“Bye.” Beverly hung up and sighed.

Knock-knock. It was the bathroom door that connected to her room. She quickly shut off the lights and got under the covers. She pretended to lightly snore. The door opened.

“C’mon Bev. I know that you’re not asleep. First of all, I heard you talking to someone, was that Aubree? And second, how many times were we texting late when we were together and you said that you were pretending to be asleep?”

“A lot.” Beverly decided to give up the act. She rolled over to see him standing there shirtless in his jeans. She couldn’t believe he had brought up the times when they were together.

“James. Hi.” She said; suddenly awake. She sat up in bed.

“What were you and Aubree talking about?” He said. His voice was deep and intriguing. Beverly felt herself being pulled towards him. But she stayed in bed. His perfectly sculpted abs, his beautifully muscled arms…his hair slightly tossed around, his green eyes…Beverly just wanted to melt into him.

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