*chapter 9*

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Chapter Nine


When James had been staying with them for a month. Beverly was sad to say, nothing had changed between them. Sure, sometimes they played scrabble and sometimes they watched a movie and occasionally he would put his arm around her or she would fall asleep on his shoulder. And even sometimes they went the whole day without even talking except maybe a murmur of good morning or good night if they were both brushing their teeth, or if Beverly was doing her makeup or hair and James came in to take a shower, but Beverly would be in the bathroom. They had a confusing

relationship now, Beverly complained about it a lot to Vivienne.

Vivienne and James had a thing one summer the year before Beverly and James got together the first time. But they were never really together, he just liked her and she told him that she liked him too, but Vivienne’s mother would kill her if she knew that she had a boyfriend and James’ mom probably wouldn’t have approved either. But since Vivienne had already gone into high school, and James and Beverly and the rest of the crew, except for Alyce, who was also in high school now, Vivienne and Alyce were a year older than everyone else. But Hayley, as you know, is two, almost three years younger than Aubree, her older sister, which you also already know. But as soon as James, Jackson, Spencer, Beverly, Aubree, Georgia and their other friend who isn’t going to be in the story, Opal, started playing a game. Called the question game. It was kinda like truth or dare, without the dare, and you could ask the question to the whole group (but then you would have to answer the question as well), but basically, you could ask anyone in the group a question, any question, and they would have to answer it honestly. Beverly sometimes would pretend to go get a drink of water or go to the bathroom if it was a question for the whole group that she really didn’t want to have to answer.

So anyways, as you can probably imagine, most of the questions were: whom do you like? Or who do you think is cute? Most of the girls said James; like if they didn’t want to admit to everyone, him included, that they liked him, they might say ‘I just think he’s cute’. Or something like that. You know…so first, most of the girls liked James. Jackson and Georgia liked each other, Opal liked Jackson, Spencer liked Opal, James liked Opal; (I don’t know why everyone liked Opal, honestly, she was kind of a bitch), Aubree liked James, Beverly liked James, oh and then there was this other girl, and we’ll call her Kate. (No not the same one from cheer) was pretty much in LOVE with James. Everyone found it pretty hilarious. On the class trip to Washington D.C., a boy, one of their classmates, caught Kate writing a love story between her and James. I mean, talk about desperate.

So anyways, James asked out Opal. She said no. He told everyone later (including Opal) that he was glad she had said no. I know what you’re probably thinking; he’s only saying that because he got rejected.

But anyways, James and Opal are not friends.

So then, James started liking Beverly. Beverly liked James.

James asked Beverly out the first time. She said she thought that they should wait. The thing that Beverly remembers, something that made her heart race was when she and James decided that it would be better if they waited, when he said, “We can wait. I’m not going to stop liking you.” And the way he said it made Beverly’s heart melt.

So. He asked her out again like a month later. She said yes.

They kissed three days later.

They were together for about three weeks. Then he broke up with her. God knows why. She was heartbroken. Just as she thought she might be getting over it, he asked her out again. Of course, she said yes, as much as she wanted to hate him for playing around with her, she still liked him. They were together until they had to go to different schools.

So there it is.

Long story short. That’s about to become even longer. 

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