#20. He Cheers You On At a Sporting Event. (Luke and Calum)

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LUKE: You took a deep breath as you made your way to the starting line, about to compete in your last race of the Outdoor Track and Field Championship.  It was the 400 meter- one entire lap around that track and the season would be finished.  You wiped a line of sweat from your forehead and looked to the benches, automatically spotting Luke.  You couldn't help but smile as your eyes met his, just his very appearance giving you the energy to get this last race done.  "You got this, (y/n)!  I love you!" he called out to you.  You laughed quietly and nodded, "I love you!"  The starter caught your attention, ordering the racers to get ready and in their correct spots.  You kneeled down on the ground and got into position, eyeing the starter intensely.  Your heart was racing through your chest as you waiting for the signal, adrenaline already beginning to pump through your veins.  And as soon as the gun went off, you were gone.  You burst from the starting line instantly, flying around the track as quickly as your feet would take you.  You paid no attention to the other runners.  That would only distract you, and risk your chances of being the best that you could be in the moment.  You blocked out all of your surroundings and the voices coming at you, only paying attention to a certain voice; Luke's.  He cheered and shouted as loud as he could muster, giddy with excitement as he watched you run ahead of the other contestants.

CALUM: It was your final swimming meet of the year, and you were just as nervous as you had always been during competitions.  You wiped your sweaty palms on your sides and stepped onto the pedestal that you would be diving into the water from, looking around at your opponents.  You eyed each and every one of them, knowing just from their demeanors that this would be a close one.  Calum knew that you always tended to feel intimidated by those that you were competing against, and he hated it.  You were an excellent swimmer and he knew you were definitely capable of winning.  You remembered what he had told you just minutes before.  "Don't worry about what everyone else is doing.  Just focus on yourself and what you're going to do.  You're absolutely amazing, and you're going to do just fine.  Now go break a leg!"  You smiled at the words of encouragement and did just as you were told.  You took a breath and looked straight forward, pretending as though the others were not there.   As the buzzer went off you were all in.  You jumped into the water and let your natural instincts take hold of you. 

Honestly I was too lazy to do Ashton and Michael's..plus I'm tired af and it's midnight but I wanted to get something posted so here's dis. Maybe I'll do their's later but who knows!!

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