#2. He's Stressed and you Help Him Relax.

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A/N: Preference number two that I wrote on my tumblr!  I'm going in order. (;  I apologize that Calum's and Michael's aren't that long; Lashton's my favorite so I sometimes happen to write more for them. x

LUKE: “Lukey, why don’t we go to sleep now? It’s already past midnight, and you have to be well rested for the concerts you and the boys have tomorrow,” you said, walking over to where Luke was concentrating on the lyrics written on the paper he was holding and the pen in his hand. You were expecting him to say something back to you, but instead he kept his eyes glued onto the lined paper in front of him and continued muttering things under his breath as he thought hard. “Luke?” you spoke up again. Nothing. You sighed and sat down beside him on the couch, taking in his general appearance. His blonde hair was in a messy pile on top of his head, sticking up in a million different directions. There were dark circles starting to form under his bright blue irises from the lack of sleep had been having the past few days. You could tell that he was working far too hard, and it was beginning to take its toll on him. You decided to take matters into your own hands and reached for the pen that he held in his hand and took it from him without his consent, yanking him back into reality. “What was that for?” he turned to you, giving you a look that you didn’t like but decided that it was best to ignore it for his sake. “It’s already almost twelve-thirty. Everyone else is asleep and we should be too,” you answered, gesturing for his lyrics sheet but he just pushed your arm away and took the pen back into his hand, making your mouth form into a perfect ‘o’ as you fell back slightly on the couch. Did Luke really just push you away? He never touched you like that, ever. What was getting into him? Once you recovered from your shock you looked back over at him, to see him in the exact same position as he was two minutes ago. You could feel the anger boiling inside of you, and this time you couldn’t stop yourself from snapping. “What the hell, Luke? Did you really just push me?” you yelled, not caring if you woke the others up at this point. Luke had no right to act that way towards you, as you were just trying to help. He immediately looked back up from his paper when you shouted at him, your unexpected outburst causing his eyes to widen in surprise. “Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to but I can’t go to sleep yet. You can go if you want to, but I need to finish this song,” he said, his words only making you more angered. “Are you kidding me? Look at yourself! You’re hurting yourself, Luke, and you’re getting yourself all stressed out for nothing!” “I’m not stressed for nothing, (Y/N)! I need to get this song-” he started to deny, but you cut him off. “You know you can always finish it tomorrow, so don’t even tell me that you need to get it done now,” you retorted, your voice lowering back to normal. “(Y/N), why are you shouting?” a familiar voice asked sleepily from behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Ashton standing there and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, his hair fluffy and sticking up all over the place. You let out a breath and brought your hands up to your temples, “It’s nothing, Ash. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” He nodded slowly and caught sight of Luke, a long sigh escaping his mouth as realized why you were shouting. “Luke, why are you still up? Get to sleep, mate,” Ashton tried to tell Luke as well, but he just shook his head in denial. “I’ve got it,” you mouthed to Ash. He left the room, leaving you and Luke alone once more. You turned your attention back towards Luke, suddenly feeling a thousand times calmer than you were a minute ago. You put a hand on his shoulder and lightly squeezed it. “Lukey, I’m sorry I yelled…I’m just worried about you, babe. You’re not yourself, and getting a lack of sleep isn’t helping you either,” you murmured, rubbing his arm up and down soothingly as you waited for him to relax a little bit as well. After a few minutes he exhaled a deep breath and set the paper and pen down on the table beside the couch. He turned to you and gave you a weak smile, letting you know that he was okay. “I know, baby. I just..I always feel like I need to be on top of things, and everything needs to be perfect. If it’s not, then the fans are going to not like us anymore and-” he began to babble, and you rolled your eyes. You knew he was beginning to freak and pressed your lips onto his, knowing that that was the only way to lull him when he was getting like that. He instantly shut up and kissed you back passionately, wrapping his arms around your waist while you threw your arms around his neck. You pulled away after a moment and looked him intensely into his blue irises. “Are you all better now?” you whispered against his lips. He smiled and nodded, “Definitely.” He was about to lean back in for more, but you pulled back and got up from the couch. The look on his face was priceless. You giggled, taking his hand in your own and pulling him up to his feet. “Are you ready to go to sleep now?” you asked. “You bet I am,” he answered, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You gasped and smacked him playfully in his arm, “not that kind of sleep! You naughty boy.”

ASHTON: "Ash, it’s been almost a week now since you and Luke had that disagreement. Why don’t you go and talk to him about it?" you suggested, trying to find a way to cheer Ashton up. Ashton and Luke had a pretty big argument five days ago, and they haven’t spoken a word to each other since. The two could never even go a day without talking, and so you knew it was stressing him out terribly. For all you knew it was causing Luke just as much pain. Calum and Michael had tried boosting Ashton’s mood, but it didn’t work. They tried everything-from buying his favorite take out for dinner one night to getting him a new drum set-but not even that could make him happy. You hadn’t been around to help since you had your own career to attend to, so when you finally got to see the boys earlier they bombarded you with everything that had occured and said you were their only hope. Ashton loves you more than life, and if anything or anyone could bring him back to being his normal self, it was you. Ash shook his head, not saying a word as he continued to stare endlessly up at his bunk’s ceiling with dark eyes. You sighed, biting down on your lip. "Scoot over." He didn’t say anything but moved further back into the tiny bunk so you could get in beside him. You carefully laid down in the bunk and propped yourself up on your elbows, facing Ash. "I don’t like seeing you like this, babe. It’s not you…you aren’t you," you whispered under your breath, gently brushing a stray piece of Ashton’s light brown hair away from his face. He stayed silent once more, but you continued speaking, knowing that he was still listening to you. "I know that you’re stressed out because of what happened with Luke, but there’s no need to be. Yeah, you guys might not be on the best standards right now, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be like this forever. You’re best mates. Trust me, you guys will forget about that fight in a few days at the most, and everything will be completely back to normal," you reassured him with a soft smile. You leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and pulled away, holding your breath while you waited for him to speak. Nothing. You let out a long sigh of disappointment. You were hoping that he’d at least speak to you. You’re his girlfriend for goodness sakes. It looks like that’s not the case. You begun to get out of his bunk when he clasped your hand in his, stopping you in your tracks. You turned to look at Ashton in surprise, but before you could even get a look at him he pulled you up against you, his arms wrapped securely around your waist. Your body was lying directly on top of his own, your face hovering just inches from his. You could feel the butterflies now swarming around in your stomach at the sudden closeness, the warmth radiating off of his body onto yours. "You’re right, (Y/N), about everything. It was just a little argument, and we’ll be talking in no time. I just…I guess I wasn’t used to fighting with Luke, so I got really stressed out and blocked out everyone," Ashton mumbled, his warm breath hitting you. "It’s alright, Ash. I don’t blame you. I would’ve done the same thing. Are you okay now?" you asked softly, caressing his cheek with your bony fingers. He nodded, a warm smile curving onto his luscious lips. "Yeah, I’m okay, and it’s all thanks to you," he answered. You couldn’t help but smile widely at that. "Good. And what exactly do I get in reward for cheering you up?" you asked playfully, wiggling your eyebrows at him. He instantly realized what you meant and smirked, slowly moving his hands down your back until he reached your bum. "You get to have some fun," he laughed lightly, making you giggle before he cut you off by forcing his lips passionately onto your own, his hands wandering back up your body while yours got tangled in his hair.      

CALUM: When Calum came home one day after their Boston concert looking stressed as ever, you knew something was wrong. You didn’t hesitate to ask him what had happened. He told you that he had messed up one of his high notes during Try Hard because his throat was bothering him, so he didn’t reach it. You felt bad and immediately knew just what could cheer him back up and get his mind off of it. You ran into the kitchen and cooked him his favorite homemade pizza, before grabbing his favorite movie and proceeding back into the bedroom. A small smile formed across his lips as you put the movie into the DVD player and handed him a plate of the freshly made pizza, snuggling into the covers in bed beside him. By the end of the night Cal had forgotten about the entire situation and was back to his normal self, all thanks to you.  

MICHAEL: Whenever Michael was stressed you always knew exactly what would take his mind off of things and make him be his usual happy self once again. You remembered him saying that just your presence could make him the happiest person alive, so whenever he became stressed out or depressed you would just tangle yourself into his body under the pile of blankets on the bed, bringing your body as close to his as possible. When that didn’t work you’d leave tiny unexpected kisses over his face and murmur soothing things to him, instantly bringing him back to being himself. What you loved the most about that was that you were the only person in the world that could cheer him up so easily. You were special and different to him, and the feeling was mutual for you as well.

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