#24. He Scares You.

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A/N: im gaining so much weight this holiday szn wow i need to go to the gym instead of laying in bed watching youtube vids all day everyday

LUKE: You screamed as you watched your boyfriend throw punches continuously at the stranger, the man nearly unconscious and his face swollen and bruised.  You and Luke had decided to go out to the club and get a few drinks tonight, and in the midst of it all you had gotten hit on by the twenty-something year old man that was now getting beaten by Luke.  He had approached you and tried to grab your ass, and when you shoved him away he came back for more.  Luke didn't appreciate that and took the man outside, immediately throwing punches at his face.  You were grateful that he had stood up for you like that and showed the man who was boss, but at the same time you were scared.  You had never seen him attacking someone before.  You looked at his eyes and saw nothing but fury in them as his knuckles repeatedly made contact with the man's face.  You were worried that he was never going to stop until the guy was dead.  "Luke, please stop it!  He's had enough!"

ASHTON: Your heart pounded as you held your hand to your chest, your heart racing at a million miles an hour as you tried to calm yourself down.  "Jesus, Ashton!  Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" you smacked him on the arm.  He had decided that it would be funny to put on a Michael Myers mask and jump out at you when you entered the bedroom after showering and getting ready for bed.  You had always been a scaredy cat, always getting frightened by the littlest things.  So it wasn't a surprise that you had been scared out of your wits when he went ahead and did that.  "I'm sorry, I had to," Ashton giggled, smiling like a little boy in a candy store.  He got so much pleasure from giving you crap.

CALUM: "Please, wake up," you begged, holding Calum's cold face in your hands.  He had suddenly passed out when you two were walking home from a friend's house, and you had no clue why.  He was perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong with him that you knew of.  You were absolutely petrified.  "Calum, come on, open your eyes!"  You lightly tapped his cheeks, hoping that would bring him back to consciousness.  You held your breath, not taking your eyes off of his.  After a moment his eyelids fluttered open, a rush of relief running through you.  "Oh thank god, you scared the shit out of me."

MICHAEL: The glass plate shattered and fell to the floor when Michael threw it against the wall with great force.  You screamed and covered your ears with your hands.  "How could you lie to me, (y/n)?  You said that you were out shopping with Maria but really you were out with Brody?" Michael shouted at you, about to throw his fist into the drywall next.  Anger radiated off of him, and you would be lying if you said you weren't scared of him right now.  You had never gotten into such a bad fight before.  This was definitely the worst one yet, and you weren't sure if he would ever calm down.  "I'm sorry, I knew if I told you you would have freaked out, just like you are right now!  Brody is just a friend, Michael, you know that!" you tried to reassure him, but everything you said just went in one ear and out the other.  He shook his head furiously, "If he was really just a friend and you had nothing to hide, then you would have told me!"  Your body shook and you hugged your knees to your chest as you cowered in the corner of the room.  You knew he wouldn't hurt you, ever, but that didn't mean you couldn't accidentally get hurt from him throwing things all around the room.  You just hoped he would cool down soon.

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