#22. You Get Accepted/Denied Acceptance to Your Dream School.

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LUKE: "(Y/N), the mail's here!"  It only took a second for you to come running down the stairs and out the door, damn near sprinting to the mailbox in the front yard.  You had been waiting impatiently for the University of Wisconsin-Madison to respond to your application for what seemed like forever now.  And every day you would run to the mailbox when the mail arrived, and every day you didn't find what you were waiting for.  But today felt like the day that it was finally here.  You reached the mailbox and hastily opened it, pulling out the individual envelope that was inside.  You glanced quickly at the sender, almost screaming when you read it.  "Luke, it's here!  It's finally here!" you shouted eagerly, running back into the house and into the room where your boyfriend was.  He was sitting on the couch in the living room, flipping through the channels on the television.  He immediately turned his attention to you as you sat down next to him, giddy in your seat.  "Did you open it yet?" he asked, reaching for the remote and turning the television off so that there were no distractions.  You shook your head, "I'm really nervous."  He took your hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.  "You shouldn't be.  You're so intelligent, (Y/N), there's no way that you didn't get in."  You smiled at his words of encouragement, and took a deep breath before opening the envelope.  You shakily unfolded the paper and started to read.  "Oh my god, I got in!  I'm going to UW-Madison!"

CALUM:  You tried to prevent the tears from filling up in your eyes as you read the letter in your hands, denying you acceptance into Harvard.  You didn't want to be so emotional.  You had tried to prepare yourself for this outcome, telling yourself that the chances of getting into the school in the first place were incredibly low.  A lot of people that applied to Harvard didn't get in.  But you couldn't help it, you couldn't help but let the disappointment overcome you.  "I didn't get accepted," you whispered, not wanting to believe it, although the words were clearly printed on the paper.  Calum wrapped you up in a tight hug, resting his chin on the top of your head.  "I'm so sorry, hun.  Don't let it get you down too much.  They're the ones missing out on such an excellent student."  "You're just saying that because you're obligated to," you muttered, although you knew that wasn't the case at all.  You were upset and saying things that you didn't mean.  "You know that isn't true," he said, pulling back and wiping a stray tear that rolled down your cheek.  "You are one of the most hardworking and brilliant people that I know.  And they made a mistake by rejecting you."

ASHTON: "Ash, what is this?"  You looked around in confusion at the balloons and streamers that occupied the living space around you, familiar faces smiling back at you as well.  "It's a surprise party!" Ashton exclaimed happily, pressing a kiss to your cheek.  His response only made you more confused, your eyebrows furrowing together.  "But it's not my birthday?"  Everyone in the room laughed.  "It's for this."  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope, handing it over to you.  It didn't take you long to realize that it was from your dream school, Winona State University.  You had wanted to go there since you were little, dreaming to be in their nursing program.  They had one of the best in the country, and the college was a lot cheaper than most.  It was a great bargain, and you wanted nothing more than to go there.  "We don't even know if I got in though-"  "(Y/N), you got in.  There's no way in hell that you didn't.  We all know it, too."

MICHAEL: Your heart nearly broke in two when you had read the letter from Yale, learning that you had been rejected.  You read the first few sentences over and over again, hoping that if you read it enough times that it would change and say that you were actually accepted.  You were in denial.  You had wanted to get into Yale ever since you were a small child, always making sure that you had the most excellent grades to ensure that you would get accepted.  You worked so hard your entire life for this, and you still failed.  "Everything I've ever done was for nothing," you cried, breaking down in Michael's arms.  "You couldn't be any more wrong about that, babe.  There's still so many other amazing schools that will accept you, and I guarantee their programs are just as good as Yale's.  Your life isn't over all because of this," he comforted you, running his fingers through your hair.  "This doesn't define you."

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