#1. You Tell Him You're Pregnant.

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A/N: Hi!  So this was the first preference I ever wrote, so I decided to post it first on here as well.  Enjoy and remember to request ideas for my other preferences. (: x

MICHAEL: You and Michael had just gotten back from the boy’s concert in Atlanta. Both of you were exhausted from the long day you had and were now laying tangled together on the sofa, your favorite movie playing on the television screen. You were enjoying the blissful moment in his arms, when you suddenly remembered what you were planning on telling him today. You jolted upright from the sudden thought, the sofa shaking slightly from the movement. Michael looked at you in confusion and sat up, tucking a strand of your hair that had fallen in front of your face back into place behind your ear. “Are you alright, babe?” he asked you, the worry clear in his tone. “Um, yeah I’m okay. I just remembered something,” you answered quietly, not making eye contact with him. “What did you remember?” he inquired curiously, his hands moving to your back and rubbing circles in your back. “I…I remembered what I had to tell you,” you mumbled. You were terrified about how Michael would react to finding out that he was going to be a dad, but you knew that it would be best to tell him now than later. When you mentioned him, he seemed to get more interested in what you had to say. He became uneasy too, and his hands stopped moving on your back. “What do you have to tell me, (Y/N)?” You held your breath and closed your eyes then, forcing the words out of your mouth. “I’m pregnant, Mikey. You’re going to be a father,” you told him, waiting for him to say something to break the new layer of silence that filled the room’s atmosphere. He was quiet for a minute until he sighed, “when did you find out?” “I found out a few days ago, and I’ve been preparing to tell you ever since,” you admitted softly, your gaze still locked on your hands, which seemed to be the most interesting thing to you at the moment. There was silence again, and you bit down on your lip as you waited for the outburst. When it didn’t happen and his arms snaked around your waist from behind you on the sofa, you were shocked. Wasn’t he angry about the news? You were frozen from utter surprise when Michael rested his chin on your shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek. “I’m happy for us, babe. I couldn’t be any happier than I am right now. And I’m proud of you for telling me straight out. I know how scared you must’ve been to tell me, but you did it, and I love you for that. I love everything about you, (Y/N).” You smiled at that and snuggled back against him, relaxing your muscles. “I love you more,” you teased, playing with his fingers that were entwined in yours. He chuckled lightly against your hair and shook his head, “I doubt it. I definitely love you a whole lot more.” You both spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching the movie until falling asleep on the sofa in each others arms.

CALUM: You had been feeling nauseous all morning and had been having weird food cravings for almost a week now. You had the feeling in the pit of your stomach that you might be pregnant, causing you to have those symptoms. A few hours ago you went to the store and bought a few pregnancy tests, doing the tests as soon as you got home. You weren’t that shocked when all three of them came back positive. You were happy that you were having a child with the guy that you loved, but you weren’t too excited about telling Cal. What would he think? Would he be just as happy about it as you were? You decided that it would be best to get it over with and tell him tonight when he got home from recording with the boys. You had prepared some chocolate cake for both of you to have while you told him about the news. Calum would be home at any minute now, and you were eyeing the clock anxiously while you waited for the sound of the door to your and Calum’s flat to open. After what seemed like forever you heard keys jiggling in the lock, followed by the familiar voice that you were waiting to hear. “Hey babe, I’m home!” Calum called from the hall, taking off his shoes. “I’m in the kitchen!” you called back, your voice cracking slightly from the nerves. A moment later Cal walked in with the usual smile plastered on his lips. He saw the delicious treat sitting at the table with you, causing his smile to grow even wider. “You made cake earlier?” he asked, taking a seat in the dining chair beside you. You nodded, forcing a small smile for him so he wouldn’t think that anything was up yet. “Yeah, I thought it would make your day after you recorded for the past ten hours,” you answered casually. “You make my day, (Y/N), even when you don’t make cake for us,” he said, making you giggle. You both enjoyed the cake, and in what seemed like a second it was time for you to tell Calum what you had been dreading on telling him ever since you found out. He was about to get up from the table to put his plate in the sink, but you stopped him before he could by gently taking his hand in your own. He turned to look at you, his eyebrows scrunching up together in confusion. “What’s up, babe?” he asked you. You took a deep breath and looked him in his gorgeous brown eyes. “Cal…don’t freak out, but…I’m pregnant,” you told him, ready for him to explode or yell at you. When he gave you a soft smile, it flustered you. Wasn’t he mad, or at least uneasy about it? “We’re having a baby?” he asked, making sure that he had heard you right. You nodded, feeling less hesitant with talking to him about it. “Yeah, I wasn’t feeling good this morning and I was having food cravings, so I went and got some tests. They all came back positive.” He gave you a nod in acknowledgment and pulled on your hand lightly, taking you off of your seat and making you end up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you as close to him that was physically possible. You hugged him back and let out a sigh of relief, thankful that he didn’t react the way that you thought he would’ve. “I’m happy for us, (Y/N). I get to raise a perfect child with the most amazing and breathtakingly beautiful girl on the planet,” Cal murmured in your ear, before he left a trail of gentle kisses over your neck and face.

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