Chapter 1- The Party

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Mya P.O.V


I woke up slamming the alarm to the floor dragged myself to the bathroom. God do I hate mornings. I mean who doesn't? I turned on the shower but as soon as I did the door bursted open. Great.

"Hey baby!" he shouted lingering with the scent of alcohal.

"Hey" I said blankly.

I didn't want to argue with him while he was drunk. I sighed turned off the shower and walking him towards our room. Yea I live with my boyfriend when I'm 17 , so what. I layed him down and quickly got changed because I was already going to be late anyway. I hopped out into my car driving to my own personal hell hole. I was only here for the gang, to watch someone very important. JASON MCCAN. Yep the most wanted criminal in.. anywhere.

"Hey Nya" Ashly screeched walking toward me.

"It's Mya hoe" I glared at her . What does she want?

"Yea anyway there's a party at my place bring the beer?" she sighed like she didn't want to, even though i knew she didn't.

"Sure where?"

She told me where and i texted the crew. I am known for the beer around here. All of a sudden something i never expected in a milion years, somebody walked up to me. My ex, Ryan.

"Hey babes goin to the party tonight?"

"Not your babe" I said shrugging him off my shoulder

"I know but uhm so you coming?, I wanna drive you for old times sake."

"Fine whatever."

The reason I didn't expect him to come up to me is because he cheated on me. Yea I know but I loved him and I wouldn't have left him except he hangs with Jason and I did not want him to notice me.


"So wheres your car at Ryan?" I asked Ryan. I decided I'd just tell the boys to bring the beer there so I wouldnt have to go home .

"Over their." He pointed to a red camaro. HOT!

We got in his car about to drive off when somebody tapped his window .

"Hey dude, can I get a ride to the party my car broke down." Jason said to him

"Sure dude jump in."



I promise it gets better as you go on.!

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