*La version en Español está hasta abajo ;-)*
Haunted houses are believed to be impregnated with the energy of past events or people's energy as well (like hate, love, distress, etc), I don't really know if our mind itself creates the superatural events that haunt us or if it's really the soul of the dead. Studies showed that with enough human consciousness applied to an "idea" psychokinetic responses can take place, "The Philip Experiment" is a good example of such events where Canadian Parapsychologists created a ghost with sheer will. Philip Aylesford was the name of their creation and not only that but they manage to come up with his life too.
But what happen when the history of a place is unbeknownst to yourself? That was my case, I come from an exotic place you see and our customs and beliefs are very interesting yet mysterious, I can't exactly remember how old I was when we moved to the house that saw me grow up but I was 3 or 4 more less. Shadows appeared out of nowhere walking as if we were not there looking at them, a young (or sometimes old) woman used to haunt our dreams, sleep paralysis, tangible nightmares and so forth, but there was a phase of my life (pretty recently, before we moved to Canada where I actually reside) that marked me forever and I'm going to start saying that I am very sensitive regarding spiritual experiences (when a friend of mine commited suicide I could see him walking around his weeping relatives in his funeral), I can detect dead names and shadows that other people don't, my family had their experiencess too but I was the one who always had most of the enounters.
The house we used to live in belonged to my grandma's second husband's ex wife, when she was still married to him, she was a nurse and used to practice "Santeria" (Caribbean practices among West African decendants) my grandma used to say that, we never knew although we found a piece of evidence that verifies it, but my mom told me once that this nurse wanted to keep my grandma's second husband from leaving her but she couldn't but back at the remarkable situation we lived, It lasted between 3 to 5 months I don't really remember, I was with my sister and my mom when we passed by a witchcraft store where Santería was practiced, along with veneration to the death, and other kind of satanic stuff, that day we took something home, something that didn't let me sleep or be in peace a single moment, sucking all my energy like a leech from hell.
This something was the spirit of a man and he carried so much hate with him, I saw him several times with his devilish grin, he used to touched me, the sensation is still fresh to me, it's as if you feel the air stroking the hair on your skin, it happened all the time, every day and without rest, he used to touch my stomach, my chest (he tried to choke me several times) and my legs, at night he bothered me even more and I couldn't sleep, I experienced sleep paralysis way too much for my taste, but so much I was so tired and desperate, so much we prayed we thought it will never end or at last it would take a lot of time to stop, we tried to reach a priest and he told me he wanted to see a document to prove I was not insane but then we called a priest friend of the family who, without hesitation, came to help us all, he blessed the house and prayed a special prayer to all members of the family one after another (in which we were supposed to expel through vomit or burps the bad energy that dwelled within us), it took just a few sessions for me to take all that energy out but the ghost was so angry my symptoms went worse but the priest told me it would need to get worse to get better so it was indeed, throughtout those sessions I saw a lot of amorphous shadows coming out of my relatives, my mom, my sister and my uncle, luckily my grandma was clean and not only that I remember I saw the nurse all the time watching everything but she was not leaving.
Two weeks later I was recovering from my horrible experience, I stood strong all the way to my recuperation, the shadows stopped coming out and they turned into grayish fog until their total disappearance. Back at the house the nurse is still there as the guardian of the santuary she clung to with all her strength, I found a medallion used in Santería, engraved on it the figure of a humming bird with the phrase "La poderosa chuparosa" and at the back a four leaf clover surrounded by the zodiac signs used for love rituals, she loved to prowl my sister's dreams, another experience we had was that one Halloween night (that day a dog friend of us came to visit and he started barking at a desolated corner, he was next to my sister and when she tried to get closer he prevent her to do it, he was protecting her) my sister dreamt with a little boy looking for his mother along with a demonic dog, white and beautiful like a wolf, but with cracks instead of eyes and of these fire was coming out, he was haunting her and didn't allow her to come closer.
Drops Of Blood (Short Horror Stories Compilation)/Gotas de Sangre
HorrorThis is no book for the weak. Let's play a game of hide and seek. From MONSTERS hunting in it's pages. Finish the book to survive. SO TURN OFF THE LIGHTS, LAY IN YOUR BED AND READ... IF YOU DARE... Compilation of short horror stories and tales fo...