Chapter 4

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Foxy's POV

I heard someone in the vents so I looked at the vents. I heard nothing. Could other people be with us? I got up from my seat and walked outside of Pirate Cove.

"Ah, Foxy is-is-is here." Freddy glitched. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door.

"Wait Foxy! Where-where are you going!?" Bonnie asked.

"I be steppin' out of this room." I responded. I was the only one with the perfect voice.

"Hey who's that?" Asked a cheerful voice. It was a female. I looked towards the voice and saw a newest version of Chica.

"I never seen him before." Responded another female. I seen a light blue bunny. Then I saw a fatbear.

"Am I really that-that-that fat?" Asked Freddy.

"I'd say aye. But not THAT fat. Talk about Freddy Fatbear." I responded.

"Who're are you?" Asked all three of them.

"I be Foxy the pirate fox. And ye are?" I asked.

"I'm Toy Bonnie." The light blue bunny smiled.

"Im Toy Chica!" The chicken exclaimed.

"And I'm Toy Freddy." The bear said.

"Who're are those people?" Asked Toy Bonnie.

"Oh. These be my friends. This be Bonnie, Chica, and Fr----"

"Wait, lemme guess, Freddy." Toy Freddy interuppted me. I hated being interuppted.

"Aye. That be true." I smiled.

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