Chapter 16

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Foxy's POV

After the little talk I had with Freddy, I hated him. I sighed and put away my violin. Mangle slowly walked around the corner. She was looking at me.

"Hey Foxy. Um. . . How ya doin'?" Mangle asked me.

"Bad. Terrible." I responded.

"What? Why?" She asked again.

"I be all torn up!" I replied.

"Well. . . There is a Fazbear party coming up. . ."

"Im not goin'." I quickly interuppted Mangle before she could finish.

"Why?" She asked.

"Im not goin' to any party that Freddy's going to." I growled.

"Okay. . . Well. . . I'll see you later." She frowned and looked down. Then she walked away. I wanted to stop her, but she looked so sad. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!! Grr! Why did I do that!? I growled at myself.

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