Chapter 6

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Toy Chica's POV

I had an extreme crush on Foxy. So thats why I hung around him alot.

"Why ye be hangin' around me so much?" Foxy asked me.

"Oh um. . . No reason. . . Heh." I replied nervously.

"Then can ye leave me alone?" Foxy asked. Again. I sighed.

"Okay fine." I sighed again and walked off.

Foxy's POV

I think Toy Chica is crushing on me. But I like Mangle. Just because Mangle is the toy version of me, I can still like her, right? It makes no difference whatsoever. Everyone has someone that is their love of their life.

Mangle's POV

I climbed back to Kids Cove. After I met Foxy, he was the one. But how am I gonna tell him? I cant just go up to him and tell him. I JUST met him! I'll just wait for a few days and tell him. But what about Toy Chica. She hangs around him alot. I know! I'll just excuse Foxy from her and tell him! Thats it! Thats what I'll do! I have it all planned out! This'll be easy! But what if Toy Chica tells him first? Oh well. If she does, at least it wont be embarrassing to tell him.

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