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I was walking in the forest, a clear path beyond me. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what.
I heard rustling in the bushes and saw that something was staring at me.
I gasped when it had no head, and that I knew who it was.
I screamed but nothing came out; I pleaded but my words were gibberish.
Kira was pointing at something behind me, I looked to see-

I woke up before I finished my nightmare. Instead of getting up I decided to just sit on my bed, and to make it worse I could see the creepy letter I got yesterday sitting on my desk.
I grabbed my head and sighed deeply.
"What's going on?" I muttered.
These nightmares.. I've had enough of them..

I walked out of the room and almost bumped into Kora.
"Sorry Viktor! But, here, it's for you." She was clutching a letter and I stared at it; my heart sinking down to my feet.
I carefully grabbed it with a, 'thanks', and I read it.

It has been a while, and I know you now. You have a good life going.
I hope no one cuts it short for you.
Be safe.

Sal? Was it him? He didn't sign his name..but I had to know, this stress was too much.
"Who gave this to you?" I asked Kora.
"It was sitting outside our door when I got it, sorry." She replied.
I sighed.
Sal..I hope this is you..
"What's wrong? Do you know this person?" Kora spoke up.
I glanced at her, "I don't know," I responded. "I'm thinking that it might be a friend of mine..or an enemy."
Esbern.. gods..please, don't let it be him.
I nearly gagged at the thought of it being him..I'm praying that it isn't.
"I think you should stay in bed today."
I looked over at Kora and she was looking at me sincerely.
"Huh? But, I mean, I'm okay.."
No I really wasn't okay, my voice cracked and I had to grab the wall from not passing out on the spot.
Kora led me to my room, "Please, rest up. I can tell that this letter is bothering you, I'll take care of the inn today." I sighed,
She smiled. "No problem."

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one home.
It was dead silent in the inn, the only sound there was was me moving around in my bed.
Maybe I should clean up around here? It might help Kora and everyone out.
I got out of bed and walked towards the inn area.
No one was here.
I glanced around, Kora should be here..
There should be people here!
My breathing became heavy and I could hear footsteps. "Who is there?" I screamed.
But nothing came out, I tried to speak again but my voice was silent. I felt something touch me and I turned to see, Esbern.
I screamed a silent scream.
I called for help, but I was completely mute. He kept on glaring at me, his face twisted in hideous smiles and smirks.
I gasped as something grabbed my shoulders.

I woke up with wide eyes and a sick stomach.
It was Yvette, she was staring at me. "Are you okay? You were thrashing around a lot." I stared back at her.
"No..," I looked away for a moment. "Nightmares? It's okay, I used to have those all the time." She chuckled and I just smiled weakly. "So, I came to check on you is all I wanted to say..," Yvette said awkwardly. "Thanks," I responded.
"Hey, have you noticed something weird about Filver?" She suddenly spoke up.
I looked at her and shook my head, I don't think I even saw him today.
"Okay, I was just wondering because..I found this outside his room." Yvette pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket.
She read it out loud:

you can do this
Why are you being so weak! You've done this before dude
Let's get this over with

I stared at Yvette as she gave me the piece of paper.
It was written recently since the ink was smudged a little and the words were shaky as if he had wrote them while quivering.
I wonder what this meant, was Filver planning something good or bad?

Footsteps approached us and in entered Kora.
"Viktor! How are you?" She asks kindly.
I slip the piece of paper under the covers and nod. "Better."
Yvette smiles, "So, are we headin' out?" I blink and look at the two. "Where are you guys going?" I ask.
Kora was about to stand up but crouched down again to answer, "Yvette and I were just going to get some supplies; you remembered to tell Filver and Telling Stones we were going to be away right?" Kora suddenly asks Yvette.
Yvette nods, "I said Viktor was coming with us though," She responds. Kora glances over at me. "Want to join us?"
I didn't really hesitate to think on it too much, I needed to get away from this place. "Sure," I respond, getting up from the bed.
Kora walks towards the inn and glances at a piece of paper.
"I hope I'm not forgetting anything.." She murmurs as she glances to and fro at the list of specific items. "Nah, you're alright." Yvette comments, swaying near the door.
I watch Kora squint and then turning around and declaring, "We're off!"

As we walk outside I catch a glimpse of the marketplace, it wasn't too crowded so that's good for us.
I follow Kora and Yvette to the merchants all lined up with their own stands and we visited each one, multiple times.
At first I was getting a bit bored and began to look around the village, I then notice a hooded man who seemed to be staring at me.
His face was covered with the hood but also the shadows of mid-day so it was impossible if he was actually looking at me.
My theory was confirmed when he cracked a devilish smile, causing me to instantly look away.

Kora finally found what she was looking for and grabbed for her coin purse, I didn't think much of it until I heard her gasp loudly.
It startled Yvette too, who tensed up.
"I forgot my coin purse!" Kora hissed. Yvette snorted, "You can't buy stuff without coins sis,"
I snickered and watched Kora march back towards The Golden Tankard without another word.
Yvette chuckled, "C'mon, we should follow her."

We entered and saw Kora fiddling with a box.
"I thought you had to get your coin purse?" I asked.
"I found this when I walked inside," Kora responded.
Yvette walked over and stared at it. "Wait when you came inside?" She asked.
"Yeah, I just want to see if it's dangerous, because I know I locked the door behind us.." Kora said with a deep seriousness.
Suddenly the box began to shake.
Kora gasped and dropped it to the ground.
"What the hell.." Yvette muttered.
I stared at it and suddenly felt my head rush, something's up..
Kora suddenly grabbed the box.
"I'm taking this to the back."
Yvette grabs her shirt, "Are you crazy?! That thing could bust!"
Kora shook her sister off, "I'm sure it's just a prank some mage pulled, I'll be fine, Yve."
She struts down the hall and Yvette rushes after her.
I break out of my shell and run after the two.
For some reason the hall suddenly felt longer and I couldn't hear Yvette's begs for her sister to stop that well.

I was blown off of my feet as an explosion sounds from the end of the hall.
The air was knocked out of me and I could smell smoke and hear flames crackling.
Within an instant everything was being swallowed by flames and the smoke was thick in the tight hall.
I crawled towards the end of the hall and gasped.
Yvette was against the wall, blood splattered on her shirt.
She was trying her hardest to get up but she seemed in pain and was holding her left arm.
Kora was laying on the ground, a piece of roof had fallen on her.
How powerful was this damned box?
I was crying now, because I knew for a fact that Kora was not alive.
Yvette groaned and stood up and she stared at Kora.

She didn't move for a while, but eventually crouched down because of the smoke.
"We..we need to get out," I choked.
Yvette screamed but ended up coughing.
She pounded her fist on the hard ground and screeched in anger.
"Kora! Kora, we.." She was sputtering about how we had to save Kora.
"Yvette...we can't, the..it's too heavy," My voice was scratchy now but Yvette still didn't move, her eyes were fixed to Kora.

The room was burning up and I could feel the heat burn me and the smoke stung my eyes.
My breathing was beginning to run short as I panicked.
Yvette suddenly began to crawl towards the front.
She was muttering about how we needed help, and thats all she said.
I watched her as my eyebrows furrowed.
I don't think she's in a right state of mind..

I can't breathe.
I tried but I could not catch my breath, and Yvette couldn't crawl because of her arm, which was bruised badly and blood ran down a gash on her elbow.
Yvette was violently crying now, she was screeching about Kora and how she blamed herself.
My eyes were watering by tears and smoke.

My head was light and I was hot.
The corners of my eyes were turning black and my head was fuzzy, Yvette was rasping and held her head.
I fell forward with an awful thud and my eyes were consumed by darkness.

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