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I will kill her.
The road was slippery from the rain and I was getting frustrated, how could she have survived this?
Was it destiny?
How did I survive it?
As I walked I saw something leaning against a tree.
It was a Scale.
I walked up to it and tapped his shoulder.
I gasped when I realized something;
It was dead.

It was the morning and I was awoken by an annoyingly loud horn, blowing a terrible tune.
I turned back towards Vadia but she was already scooting back towards her dark corner.
"Up and at em," Erig groaned, Byat snorted in reply.
I sat up and clutched my back, sleeping on the floor is going to be hard getting used to.

The guards wanted us to plant seeds, water plants, and pick weeds. Sounded easy enough, until I saw just how much land there was. It seemed to stretch on and on, I felt a headache beginning to form.
I was handed a hoe and whipped, that's enough to get me to work.

The other Furs were quiet during the hard labor and I pondered if there was a rule forbidding us to talk during work. Another thing I pondered about was Yvette, the look in her eyes as I was forced away...scared me.
She doesn't seem stable in her mind right now, and I'm frightened as to what she may do.
I heard the dreaded smack of a whip on skin and, forgetting myself, turned towards the sound. My ears flattened as I saw Vadia, she had chains on her feet and hands. It seemed impossible for her to work as she was getting constantly whipped by the two guards standing at her side.
It saddened to see how much protection they put on her, just because she was rumored to be a "vampire."
I shook my head and continued my work until I heard a voice calling out my name.
It was more of a whisper but I could hear it clearly.
"Yvette?" I muttered aloud, looking around for the distraught face.
I finally caught sight of her and I could tell that she's been through hell in my absence.
"Psst! C'mere," She motioned with her hand and I shuffled closer to her, trying not to make the guards suspicious.
"Yeah? Have you come to rescue me?" I joked.
Yvette didn't find it very funny as she ignored my witty comment completely.
"I know how to get you out, but we need to speak later. Here," She handed me a note. "Please, try not to draw attention to any of your other...inmates."
I nodded my head and Yvette walked away, as if nothing had happened.
Staring down at the note, I shove it in my pocket.

Meet me at the well around nightfall, please don't be late.

It was meal time as I took out the note and began reading it, no one seemed to notice.
"How'd you like working Viktor?" T'ok asked me.
I shrugged,"It's okay,"
"It gets better," T'ok added. I simply nodded my head.

I didn't join in the conversation and said that I was going to bed early.
My mind was whirling, I couldn't just leave with Yvette when all of these Furs needed out too. Glancing over at that dark corner I saw that Vadia wasn't eating and was staring up at the dirty window above her.
My mind seemed to clear and I sat up as an idea popped into my head.
I will take Vadia with me.

Night came quickly and I was as quiet as a mouse, tip toeing my way to Vadia and flinching when I saw that those yellow eyes were open the whole time.
"Viktor?" She blinked slowly. "What do you need?" I dropped on the floor and fiddled with her chains. Vadia's eyebrows narrowed, "What are you doing?" She hissed.
"Getting you out of here," I was vague, and I understood Vadia's confused silence.
Using my nails to pick the lock, I heard that satisfying click and Vadia stood up immediately, stretching her back.
"Thank you," She muttered.
I grabbed her hand, "Follow me,"
Vadia nodded and we both raced towards the door, as quietly as we could.

There were guards at the door.
"We have to kill them," Vadia growled, stretching out her claws.
I felt my stomach drop but I didn't complain as Vadia opened up the door.
She launched onto the guards back and clasped her hands around his mouth, suffocating him.
As the second guard held up his mace to attack, I pounced on his back too and raked my nails across his face.
He fell with a thud and I too fell on the ground.
Vadia's guard was also on the ground, dead.
My guard was still alive, to which Vadia responded in grabbing his mace and smashing it over his head with great strength.
"Good job," Vadia said after a moment of silence.
I didn't respond.

"Over here," I whispered, pointing at the well. Vadia nodded, she hasn't really responded ever since we killed those guards.
Maybe she was just as guilty as I was.
The freedom of running around at night gave me adrenaline and I ran towards the well with Vadia close behind me.

Yvette was there and she gasped as Vadia appeared behind me.
"You brought the vampire!?" Yvette screamed, forgetting that it was in the middle of the night and that she was helping a slave escape.
Vadia flinched at her exclamation, and I glared at Yvette.
"You should see how she's treated, and I don't think she's really a vampire." Yvette rolled her eyes at my comment.
"Fine, but we are buying a muzzle,"
Vadia was silent, I just scoffed.
Yvette sighed and pointed at the cobblestone wall surrounding the village.
"That's our way out, I hope you guys can climb."
Yvette produced a hook out of her satchel and tossed it on the edge of the wall and used the rope attached to it to support her.
Vadia and I were stuck using our claws and agility, it wasn't that easy.
Once we all three made it over we all burst into laughter and just began running.
I felt free and happy, I was ready to find Filver, ready to avenge Kora and Telling Stones, ready to live.

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